helping hands

Christian Education
 • Committee meetings
 • 10-month Sunday School Program
 • 10-month Adult Form program
 • Weekly Confirmation Classes
 • Church Library
 • Vacation Bible School
 • Bible study opportunities

Work together with the congregation to teach God's Word so that all may continue to grow in their faith.

Church Leadership/Church Council
 • Assist Pastor
 • Uphold church constitution
 • Oversee church programs
 • Manage church finances


 • Connect with surrounding communities
 • Connect with nearby colleges
 • Electronic Devotions
 • Electronic Messages
 • Church Web Pages
 • Press Releases
 • Table Talk
 • Bulletin Boards and Easels

Monthly activities involving invitations and hospitality to visitors, welcoming new members, nurturing awareness of evangelism in all aspects of the church program, promoting discipleship of all members, and raising awareness of the church in the community, including new residents.

 • Coordinate and host coffee hour
 • Coordinate Church dinners and picnic
 • Organize special fellowship activities

Organize and prepare food for social gatherings, provide food for families in time of special need, and schedule members to serve coffee and snacks following the Sunday service.

Office Administration
 • Assist parish administrator

Help the office administrator with some of the larger office projects.

Pastoral Care
 • Abiding Care Team
 • Prayer Chain
 • Member to member Service

Many opportunities for member-to-member service that can be so important to members in need or crisis.

 • Coordinate Spring and Fall work days
 • Maintain Property

Participate in ongoing maintenance and care of church grounds and building as needed. Work at fall and spring clean up days. Participate in special property projects.

Social Ministry
 • Food collection and HomeFront Dinners
 • Food Pantry News
 • Transition actitivies (homeless and refugees)
 • Connects worship and family life
 • Local and worldwide social ministry efforts

Coordinate activities that assist members in living out Jesus' call to serve "the least of these among us". By providing a variety of activities throughout the year, the committee touches many different areas of service.

Small Groups
 • Adult Study Groups
 • Intercessary Prayer Group
 • The Knitting Group, The Scarve Project
 • Men's Breakfast Group
 • Women's Lunch Group

Have some fun.
Join a group.
Lead a group.
Start your own group.

Stewardship and Finance
 • Stewardship committee
 • Finance Committee
 • Audit Committtee
 • Count week offerings
 • Memorial/Gifts/Tribute Committees
 • Endowment Committee
 • Personnel Support Committee
 • Environmental Action Team

Motivate and focus the resources of the congregation into a ministry of service, based upon our grateful response to a loving God.
Seek practical ways to live as faithful and responsible members of God's creation.

Worship And Music
 • Plan worship with Pastor
 • Integrate music into worship services
 • Adult Choir
 • Youth Choir
 • Children's Choir
 • Voices of Faith Choir
 • Altar Guild meetings and service
 • Large-print hymal
 • Head Worship Assistant

Provide a meaningful worship experience for all worshipers that is diverse and yet based in the Lutheran understanding of participatory worship as the whole people of God.

Youth Ministry
 • Participate in serive projects
 • Participate in fellowship projects
 • Integrate youth into total life of church
 • Junior and Senior High activities

Coordinate youth activities and serve as an advocate for the youth and their growth as Christians. The committee provides support for youth advisors and volunteers who work with our youth.

Altar Guild Schedule
Time and Talent Form

Environment Action Team
Committee Job Descriptions
Abiding Presence Lutheran Church