In the fall, we will have a prayer of dedication for the 60 scarves and 12 hats that you have provided during the past months, plus whatever we accumulate over the summer. Keep on knitting as your time allows and we will resume the evening sessions in the fall.
Scarves will be sent to the Seamen's Church Institute in NYC and the more femine or children's scarves will be taken to the Family Preservation Center of HomeFront.
Last year, as a group of teens was getting ready to go out Christmas caroling, Alice was able to dress about 24 of them in bright hand-knitted scarves to keep them warm.
Remember, scarves should be between 40 and 50 inches long, 5-6 inches wide, and of washable darker colored yarn. There are many skeins of yard in the box in the narthex for your use which have been donated by various members of the congregation and also from the Princeton Unitarian Church rummage sale. There is also a collection of knitting needles for your use. The cost to send these up to NYC is expensive, so donations of money to pay postage expenses is always appreciated.
Patterns are available on the "Christmas at Sea" project web page. Click on the Patterns tab at the top of the page.
Thank you to all who have participated in this project. It has been very successful both in encouraging new knitters and providing a project for those who are less involved in congregational activities. Keep up the good work.
(ps - if you have been one of the "mystery knitters" who have left scarves and hats in the box, please let me know so we can include your names in the list of donors!]
"If I Knit Fast Enough Does It Count As Aerobics?"
The Scarve Project
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