The Scarve Project
Abiding Presence Lutheran Church


The Scarve Project - 2010
Rosemary Sinniger

I began to knit scarves about two years ago when I was temporarily "incarcerated" after eye surgery. It was an easy thing; it did not require much concentration and was something useful I could do while I watched mindless television - quiet, restful activity. (I think I did about 25 scarves that year). Ever since, I've been knitting at church meetings, waiting at doctor’s offices with people, watching television, etc.
My grandmother taught me to knit when I was about 8. I did a few items when I was in high school. I still have the red mittens I made and one slightly moth eaten stocking cap that only got to be about 10 inches because I got bored after the pattern on the band was complete. I’ve given several scarves to friends who have been ill, in lieu of prayer shawls. I learned that for the most part, people didn’t really know what to do with the shawls – the scarves can be used to keep warm in cool weather. One person told me she kept the one I sent on her bedpost and uses it as a security blanket when she feels bad or can’t sleep.
The scarves and hats in the photo were knit by members and friends of APLC. We have a weekly supper at church when I sat and knit during the Bible studies. One night, I asked if anyone was interested in doing some knitting. Preciously, we had already an Evangelism workshop where some of the women had begun to knit or re-visited their previous knitting experience. So it began - three or four, sometimes more on a Wednesday night. . We sat and chatted and knit and helped the newbees in their projects. The scarves are very simple- fairly thick yarn, or sometimes (as I like to do) knitting with double yarn - one plain and one variegated strand makes a nice look- and fairly large needles so it goes quickly. 13 to 15 stitches across, 45 - 55 inches long, or until you use up the skein or get tired of the color!! We've had several women who don't come out to many church functions because of age or other commitments, who have added to the collection. One gentleman crochets!!! Yarn and knitting needles were donated by friends and members of Abiding Presence, and obtained at local church rummage sales.
So, before I sent off this year's batch, I asked the pastor if we could have a blessing of the scarves. He was interested and set a date. Our new young female pastor was the presider that Sunday and made the announcement about the project, used a hat and scarf in her kid's sermon (sweater from her grandmother - gift to someone we know and love; hat and scarf from the pile - a gift to a stranger). She did a nice job - then I carried up a basket of the scarves (front of photo) and asked one of the little kids (an overactive 8 year old who gets more scowls than smiles) to help me - he carried up a couple of the hats.

     A Prayer for Mariners
Lord God, Creator of land and sea, watch over those who work on the waterways. Be with them in fair weather and foul, in danger or distress. Strengthen them when they are weary; lift them up when they are down; and comfort them when they are far away from those they love. In this life, bring them safely to shore, and, in the life to come, welcome them to their eternal home; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
This scarf has been knit for you with love and prayers by a member of Abiding Presence Lutheran Church 2220 Pennington Road, Ewing NJ 08638
     Fair Winds, and Following Seas!

The dark colored scarves and hats go to the Christmas at Sea project for the Seamen's Church Institute in NYC, the Episcopalian equivalent of Seafarer's International, which is a Lutheran organization I didn't realize they were two separate organizations until I spoke with the executive director of Seafarer's at the NJ W of ELCA convention. The 22 scarves and 6 hats that are not suitable for the Seamen (even though there are women seamen!!!) the pink, lavender and pale colors, were taken to the Family Preservation Center. I made little tags for them saying where they were from and included a mini-blessing/prayer. The rest will also have a blessing/information tag and be packed and shipped to Seamen’s Church Insittue. Between the two large plastic tubs of knitwear and the 19 boxes of stuff from my neighbor's house -- she has moved nearer her daughter in mid PA and daughter has cleaned out the house to sell -- my house and front porch look like a loading dock. My house will never be featured in "House Beautiful" magazine, I'm afraid.
I have asked the women to keep on knitting and invited others to join this ministry. Thanks to the many people who have participated in this on-going project.

So that's the story of the scarves.

The Knitting Group
Opportunities to Serve