Contact Information






preferred contact method:  Email   Phone

Worship and Music Ministry -- Valerie G.

Worship Assistants:
Saturday 5:30    Sunday 8:15    Sunday 10:45
I can be an usher **
I can read lessons in worship
I can greet worshippers
I can help serve communion
I can serve on the Altar Guild
I can serve as a Head Worship Assistant

I can sing in the Senior Choir
I can sing in the Youth Choir
I can sing on a regular basis
I can sing on special occasions (ensemble)
I can sing on special occasions (solo)
I can play an instrument in worship (ensemble)
I can play an instrument in worship (solo)
I can tend the nursery on Sat 5:30 PM
I can tend the nursery on Sun 8:15 AM
I can tend the nursery on Sun 10:45 AM

Social Outreach Ministry -- Barbara M.

I can help plan and carry out one special outreach
   (e.g. nusing home visits)
I can transport food to Redeemer Lutheran Church in Trenton
I can attend a servant trip for disaster relief
I can help plan hunger relief efforts
I can volunteer for a day of service
I can notify people via computer
I can help with advertising and displays

Administration -- Lois P.

I can help in the office as needed
I can substitute when Lois is away

Youth Ministry - Don P.

I can assist with Senior High forum on Sunday mornings **
I can help coordinate service projects
I can help plan and provide transportation for youth events

Property -- Zane H.

I can help paint the Church interior **
I can help maintain our Church property

Stewardship --Bill T.

I am interested in assisting the stewardship ministry **
I would like to learn more about the stewardship ministry

Pastoral Care Ministry
Pastor Dan Whitener

I can provide rides for emergencies **
I can provide food when requested **
I can help the Abiding Care Team
I can visit home bound members
I can participate in a telephone prayer chain
I can participate in an intentional prayer ministry

Teaching Ministry -- Solveig P.

I can assist on the Sunday School Ministry Team **
I can teach adults
I can teach youth
I can teach children
I can teach on a regular basis
I can teach as needed
I can teach as a substitute
I can assist with Vacation Bible School
I can assist in the Confirmation Ministry

Fellowship Ministry -- Wendy D.

I can attend Fellowship meetings
I can help provide refreshments for Fellowship events
I can help with special dinner events
I can help with set up or clean up at Fellowship events
I can host/assist with coffee hour
 Sunday at 8:15    Sunday at 10:45

Finances Ministry - Sue M.

I can count offerings on Sundays
I can work with the audit committee
 I can work with the endowment committee 
I can work with the finance committee

Evangelism - Jean G.

I would like to work with a group to provide worship
   services to area retirement facilities **
I am interested in campus ministry
I can serve as shepherd/mentor for new members **
I would like to work with a group to spread the word
   about the ministries of Abiding Presence Lutheran Church
   in creative ways

Electronic Ministry - Joe S.

I can help with the Church web site

I can write a Running in Faith devotion **
regularly (about every three months)

Do you have a suggestion
for a project or activity?


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Description of each of the Ministries
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Please prayerfully look over the ministry opportunities listed above and mark those in which you have an interest. Once you have indicated an interest, you will be contacted by the leader listed in that area. Space is provided for you to list your own interest in a particular ministry, or other suggestions. Don't hesitate to contact any of the people listed on the form for more information. **Ministries marked with an asterisk particularly need volunteers!**

Use your keyboard to enter your contact information. Then, after considering the many opportunities to contribute Time and Talent, click on the boxes that interest you. Finally, click on the Submit button, at the bottom of this form, to email your choices to Abiding Presence Lutheran Church. Confirmation of received forms will be sent to you by email.