Property Committee
Property Committee Chairperson
Attend monthly church council meetings, coordinate all activities involving the care, maintenance and improvement of the church property, both inside and outside the church building. Coordinate cleaning and maintenance of church building with sexton. Three-year term with option to renew for an additional three-year term.
Property Committee Members
Participate in ongoing maintenance and care of church grounds and building as needed. Work at fall and spring clean up days. Participate in special property projects, including lawn mowing. One-year term with option to renew.
Evangelism Committee
Evangelism Committee Chairperson
Attend monthly church council meetings. Plan and coordinate evangelism committee meetings and projects. Three-year term with option to renew for an additional three-year term.
Evangelism Committee Members
Attend and participate in monthly activities involving invitations and hospitality to visitors, welcoming new members, nurturing awareness of evangelism in all aspects of the church program, promoting discipleship of all members, and raising awareness of the church in the community, including new residents. Special roles include cradle roll coordinator, computer and graphics arts coordinator for brochures, public relations and newspaper article writer, and small group coordinator. One-year term with option to renew.
Fellowship Committee
The Fellowship Committee's main concerns are organizing and preparing food for social gatherings, providing food for families in time of special need and scheduling members to serve coffee and snacks following the Sunday service(s).
Stewardship Committee
A small, but active committee dedicated to keeping our grateful response to a loving God in front of the congregation. Our task is to motivate and focus the resources of the congregation into a ministry of service.
Meetings are monthly and tasks are varied with a bunch of fun thrown in as well. We never met an idea we didn't like!
Youth Ministry
Youth members of Abiding Presence Lutheran Church are an important part of the congregation. The goal of the youth ministry program is to integrate them into every aspect of congregational life. To accomplish this goal, every effort is made to include them in the worship life of this congregation.Their many talents contribute to the music, education, evangelism, and social programs of our church. In addition, to assist them to grow as Christians and become active in their faith, a youth program under the leadership of a youth ministry committee is provided for them.
Youth Ministry Committee
This committee coordinates the youth activity efforts of our congregation and serves as a strong advocate for the youth and their growth as Christians. The committee provides support for the youth advisors and volunteers who work with our youth in many different capacities. Members of this committee also communicate information relating to our youth and their activities to other members of our congregation.
The youth of our congregation are organized in two age groups. One group, the Junior Youth Group, includes students in grades 7 and 8. The second group, the Senior Youth Group, includes students in grades 9-12. When appropriate, some activities are combined for the two groups. The Youth Ministry Committee supports and supervises the efforts of the advisors as well as volunteers such as drivers for youth functions and chaperones and helpers who assist with specific activities such as retreats, youth services, Easter breakfast preparation, work projects, recreation programs, and drama and music activities.
It is the goal of this committee to provide resources and support which will enable the youth group advisors and others who work with our youth to plan and carry out activities that foster fellowship, spiritual growth, and awareness of ways to serve others in faith.
Worship and Music Committee
Mission Statement
To provide a meaningful worship experience for all worshipers that is diverse and yet based in the Lutheran understanding of participatory worship as the whole people of God.
To provide an open and hospitable atmosphere for worship.
Senior Choir
The senior choir sings anthems and leads congregational singing at the 10:45am service. From September to June, rehearsals are held each week on Thursday evening, 8:00pm to 9:15pm. Anthems are learned over a period of 4 to 6 rehearsals with extra time available to learn parts. Anthems sung include many works of traditional composers, works by contemporary style composers such as Rutter and Bertalot, and anthems based on hymn tunes and folk tunes. Instrumentalists are
added when possible. Voicing is soprano, alto, tenor, bass and/or a coordination of voices.
All of the music for the service is chosen based on the lectionary (appointed lessons for the year) plus special Sundays and seasons.
During the year, music reading classes are offered to anyone to increase musical knowledge and your ability to read the voice parts.
Junior Choirs
The Junior Choir are for children in second through sixth grade. We currently meet on Sunday mornings 8:30 to 9:30am. We sing every 4 to 6 weeks, usually at the Sunday 8:30am service but occasionally at the Saturday evening (5:30pm) service or the Sunday 10:45am service.
Bell Choir
The Bell Choir is open to all members. The group tends to meet somewhat informally to provide music for special occassions.
The ushering during Sunday services is done by 1 person at 8:30am and by 2 persons at 10:45. At festival services 4 people serve. Schedules are set up quarterly and you usually serve 4 times per year. An usher serves as God's host and should be friendly and dependable. Detailed responsibilities of an usher can be obtained in the church office or from the Coordinator of Volunteers.
Readers of Scriptures lessons at both worship services (8:30 and 10:45am) need to be able to read clearly and with emphasis. Lectors are assigned quarterly and usually serve 3 to 4 times during the year.
Altar Guild
The Altar Guild takes pride in preparing the altar every week for worship services. They order flowers, change paraments and banners, and prepare the sacramental ware. Their work consists of the necessary preparations for the liturgical worship to be enjoyable and meaningful.
Acolyte training usually occurs during the Sunday School hour each fall. All children in 5th grade and older are eligible. Duties include lighting and extinguishing the altar candles during the 10:45 service (9:30 service during the summer). If there is a baptism the acolyte may assist the presiding pastor.
Nursery care is offered on Sunday mornings (and at other special functions) for infants and preschool children to age 5. A paid attendant is on duty from September through June for all Sunday morning activities (8:15am - 12:15pm). Volunteers assist the attendant each week. During the summer schedule, the nursery is staffed entirely by volunteers. Volunteer attendants are scheduled for duty 2 - 3 times per year.
Social Ministry Committee
Our task is to coordinate activities which assist members in living out Jesus' call to serve "the least of these among us". By providing a variety of activities throughout the year, the committee touches many different areas of service. Continuing projects include food and clothes collections, World Hunger support, Habitat for Humanity work crews, advocacy work and related activities. Special projects have included Refugee sponsorship and a Christmas Sharing Ministry.
Members of this committee serve as leaders of a task force with the chairperson overseeing the general social ministry program.
Christian Education Committee
The committee works together with the congregation to teach God's Word so that all may continue to grow in their faith.
The Christian Education committee consists of a chair person and a group of individuals who have expressed interest in this area. Meetings are held every other month. Some of the subjects dealt with by this committee are: Sunday School staffing and curriculum, Vacation Bible School, Confirmation and Adult Forum. Special sub-committees are used to supervise the areas mentioned. They meet only as needed.
Sunday School Staff
- Superintendent - Coordinate and lead staff and curriculum.
- Sunday School teachers - teach as individuals or with another individual as a team. Commitment may be for 1/4, 1/2 or a full year.
- Vacation Bible School - A five day commitment some time during the summer.
- Adult forum - Individuals and teams are needed to lead Forum topics. Usually a commitment of once or twice a year is needed.
Opportunities to Serve