church history
The Congregation

The First Five Years, Page 3
Abiding Presence Lutheran Church

Cover Page
In The Beginning
First Years page1
First Years page2
First Years page3
A Home At Last
We Grow Again
Twenty Five Years
Into The Nineties
1993-The Future
I Am The Church
APLC Home Page

The Master Site Plan was approved by the congregation in December of 1966. Fred Harris, John Biewener Chris Meyer and Arthur Coombe were members of the Financial Committee; Jim McRoberts was Evangelism Chairman, Jim Bowman Stewardship Chairman. A serious financial deficit was resolved by borrowing a total of $1,000 from congregational members; with 4% interest per year, and the money returned in three annual installments beginning 1968. In addition, cuts were made in the budget, members of the congregation were called upon to conduct the service during the Pastor's vacation, the salary of the Director of Music was suspended. Abiding Presence did, however, fulfill its Benevolence obligation to Synod -- one of 65 out of 182 congregations to do so in 1966.

Building plans, now in the hands of builder Carl Jacobelli, continued. Cottage meetings were held in the spring to familiarize members with the program, and were followed up by every member visitation to secure pledges for the building fund, and reconsider current and benevolence pledges. A church site sign was erected on the property. As part of the outreach ministry, a contribution of $30.00 was made to a Summer Neighborhood Program for the "ghetto" area of Trenton at Trinity (now Redeemer) Lutheran church. Vacation Bible School was held; the Abiding Presence Lutheran Church Women's constitution was updated and approved. A memorial fund was established. After a special congregational meeting in October, Abiding Presence agreed to borrow $45,000 from Synod; $41,000 from the Board of American Missions; $8,000 from the Chase Manhattan Bank; raise $7,200 by January 1969 and another $9,000 by January 1970 and to contract with Carl F. Jacobelli for the construction of a church building at 2220 Pennington Road. The young congregation was taking on a serious responsibility -- a step necessary to provide a permanent worship space and facilities to develop their mission of spreading the Gospel. Groundbreaking took place on November 26, 1967. Through this all, Abiding Presence was once again commended by the Synod for meeting our benevolence apportionment. Average Sunday School attendance was 80 to 85 students each week.

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