church history
The Congregation

The First Five Years, Page 2
Abiding Presence Lutheran Church

Cover Page
In The Beginning
First Years page1
First Years page2
First Years page3
A Home At Last
We Grow Again
Twenty Five Years
Into The Nineties
1993-The Future
I Am The Church
APLC Home Page

As a part of the organization plan of the congregation in September 1963, the services of the Lutheran Laymen's Movement were employed to outline the details for a building fund campaign. In the spring of 1964, the congregation gave approval for a building fund to begin in the fall. Plans for the church building began in 1965, engaging Hassinger and Schwam as architects and Carl F. Jacobelli Company as builders.
These were indeed exciting times for the new congregation. We shared the blessings of Christmas by gathering a few days before the holiday for a church family Christmas dinner. We played basketball together in the gym at the school where we met, we cared for each other's children, and provided dinners when members were ill or had new babies (the latter a frequent event in the life of the growing congregation). Picnics were held at Camp Beisler and Camp Delaware during the early years. We traveled caravan style, carpooling and exchanging children for the ride up, hoping that no one had been forgotten. (This was probably the way that Jesus had gotten left at the temple -- "Wasn't He in your car?")

In the Annual Report for the year 1964, James Dowd, a confirmation student that year, wrote these comments:

"This is something for which we thank God and rejoice, and be grateful for the things we have experienced. Each new family makes lighter the burdens and responsibilities which we have been sharing."

The committee became concerned with the lack of opportunity for music for the Sunday Church School. Mrs. Marco agreed to lead a choir for church.

The year 1966 was very significant for Abiding Presence. Under the leadership of Chris Meyer, as Vice President, Josephine Naus as Secretary; Arthur Coombe, Treasurer; and John Biewener, Financial Secretary progress was made on our building program. In the spring of 1966 the Master plan was presented by the Building Committee, led by Fred Harris. Clarence Hallowell replaced Earl Fielder; Gary Marco, Lois Travis, James Bowman were also on the committee. Choir cottas were made by women in the congregation and guidelines for ushers were developed, which included detailed instructions on setting up and taking down the altar. At just about the same time, Pr. Miltner announced his resignation for a call to St. Luke's, Dunellen. Two months later, Ray Mitchell was called to be the second pastor upon his ordination, and was installed on September 25, 1966. Ron Osborn served as Sunday School superintendent to an expanding group of students and staff. In October, Joan Marco was asked to form and direct a children's choir. Joan served the congregation as the Director of Music and played the piano in the absence of the regular church musician, as she had continued to do during all her years at Abiding Presence.