
     There is a tradition in the summertime where not only your body takes a vacation but your mind does as well. Light reading is the rule of the day. Bookstores trumpet their collections of "good summer reads" which, when loosely translated, means page-turners with virtually no profundity to be found anywhere. It's too hot to think.
     It is within this time-honored tradition that I often find myself entombed. In fact, as I grow older, my summer light reading is often diluted to the indecent level of no reading at all. But to offer a summer devotion with no text would be uninspiring at best and downright lazy at worst. So I offer a compromise: A list. A list of scriptures to be specific. A list of my 10 favorite scriptures to be more specific.
     Where do I begin? For the sake of eliminating redundancy, I have not included two staples of everyone's faith: John 3:16 and Philippians 4:32. Those scripture require no introduction and no elaboration. (In fact, because they are universally popular, my peculiar psychology suspiciously relegates them to a different level of consideration). However, the rest of what follows is diffusely constructed in rank of least to me. (NIV unless otherwise noted).

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