There is a tradition in the summertime where not only your body takes a vacation but your mind does as well. Light reading is the rule of the day. Bookstores trumpet their collections of "good summer reads" which, when loosely translated, means page-turners with virtually no profundity to be found anywhere. It's too hot to think.
It is within this time-honored tradition that I often find myself entombed. In fact, as I grow older, my summer light reading is often diluted to the indecent level of no reading at all. But to offer a summer devotion with no text would be uninspiring at best and downright lazy at worst. So I offer a compromise: A list. A list of scriptures to be specific. A list of my 10 favorite scriptures to be more specific.
Where do I begin? For the sake of eliminating redundancy, I have not included two staples of everyone's faith: John 3:16 and Philippians 4:32. Those scripture require no introduction and no elaboration. (In fact, because they are universally popular, my peculiar psychology suspiciously relegates them to a different level of consideration). However, the rest of what follows is diffusely constructed in rank of least to me. (NIV unless otherwise noted).
- "And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age". Matthew 28:20. This one never fails to bring a tear to my eye and a lump to my throat. These words are not just some nonchalant pipedream for incurable romantics like myself. They form the very foundation of my faith. To think that the Creator of the Universe will personally accompany me until the end of time simply overwhelms me whenever I hear it.
- "I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise" Luke 23:43. Another tear-jerker and throat-lumper. After having been betrayed, abandoned, mocked, tortured and denied, our Savior, while suffering an excruciating crucifixion, still has the time and energy to assure a common criminal (i.e., you and me) that he will be with us in Paradise. If you ever have to explain the character of our God to a non-believer, throw this one at them.
- "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil; for thou are with me" Psalm 23:4. (KJV) Have you ever been scared? I mean really goose-pimply, hair-on-end, knees-knockin' scared? Well, the next time you get into a situation where you very nearly soil your shorts, calmly and methodically repeat this verse. It works every time...because God works every time.
- "For this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost, and is found" Luke 15:24. The Prodigal Son, my favorite parable. I am ashamed to say that, spiritually speaking, I have wallowed in my own pig sties at various stages in my life. Satan is a clever boy and temptation comes cheap. But it is reassuring to know that the hope of grace from our Father is as good as gold. I need only to repent and believe and embrace it.
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