The Congregation
In The Beginning
First Five Years
A Home At Last
Here We Grow p1
Here We Grow p2
Here We Grow p3
Here We Grow p4
Twenty Five Years
Into The Nineties
The Future
I Am The Church
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The Twentieth Anniversary of Abiding Presence was celebrated in September with a Service of Thanksgiving, with Rev. E. Theodore Bachmann as guest pastor. "Common Bread", a team of young musicians sponsored by Lutheran Youth Encounter presented a program in October and were hosted and housed by congregational members. Charter members Martha Harbat, the "grandmother" of the congregation, and Walter Fort, active in the early years, died.
Pastor David Confer conducted a service of worship on April 29, 1984 and was called to be Pastor beginning June 16. He was installed by Bishop Herluf Jensen on June 24. Jack Palmer, and his call committee worked long and hard in the process of calling the new pastor.
In 1985, parish statistics indicated almost 50 new members at Abiding Presence. A part time sexton was hired; a photocopier was purchased. Fred Gould was elected Vice President. There were no funerals during the year. Paul Hofreiter and Lou Romolo joined the congregation, enhancing our music program. The Evers, Synder and Swanson families left, and Laura Hook, left to work in the gardens of Paradise for the Lord.
Special gifts and property income from Lean Line and the resident Nursery School allowed the congregation to overcome a large deficit from the previous year with a carry over of more than $2,000 into the 1986 budget.
The Sunday School, which had experienced a drastic decrease over former years, began to expand dramatically and averaged 57 in attendance. Fellowship activities increased, as did participation in committees. There was an improvement in the willingness of members to contribute of their time, talent and treasure to the church's ministry, and an influx of 75 members within 14 months brought a much needed dose of enthusiasm and vitality.
Small groups began to meet and become more involved in each other's lives outside of worship services. The Nurture Committee was formed to strengthen the membership of the church family by providing opportunities to get to know each other better. A shepherd program for new members was reactivated and visitors received follow up visits. Pastor Confer began a program of systematically visiting immediate neighborhoods. Publicity and visibility were increased by Ken Tillman with weekly articles on the religious pages of newspapers and picture articles in the Synod "Link" The Youth group participated in winter and June retreats and attendance in Troop 31 was up.
Early in 1987 the Choir began a tradition of presenting a major musical work on Church Music Sunday by singing Haydn's Mass. Bob Rognlien, a student at Princeton Seminary for the Lutheran ordained ministry, and his wife, Pam entered the lives of Abiding Presence members, enriching the ministry by working with the Young Adults group, Evangelism committee and bringing youthful enthusiasm to worship.
Members participated in an "offering of letters" supporting the Women, Infants and Children (WIC) program, heard inspiring outside speakers and musicians, and caroling at Lawrence Rehabilitation Center. A Pony Express Stewardship event collected 176 Time and Talent Sheets and 110 pledges.
Singing and music became a stronger part of the Christian Education program through the leadership of Carol Olson.
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