Our Stained Glass Windows
Abiding Presence Lutheran Church


Chancel Stained Glass Windows
The chancel stained glass windows, on the wall behind the altar, are arranged as four groups of six panes each. Each group of six panes represent one of the four seasons of the year, showing flora and fauna typical of the season.


Nave Stained Glass Windows
In the nave, each of the twelve stained glass windows contains a Biblical scene set in a framework suggesting a cross. Beginning at the front left side, and moving counterclockwise, you can follow the story of the Bible, from the creation story in Genesis through the apocalyptic Book of Revelation.


Luther Seal
As you enter through the main doors, the beautiful Luther Seal, set in stained glass, welcomes you and tells you this is a house of the Lord. The seal shows a cross on a heart at the center of a rose. The Messianic rose symbolizes Christ and is enclosed in a circle that denotes eternity.

Chancel photos courtesy of Annette D.
Luther Seal photos courtesy of Robin Ervin
Rev: Apr 7, 2001

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