May 9, 2016

“Be Not Afraid, Sing Out for Joy! Christ is Risen, Alleluia!
Be Not Afraid, Sing Out for Joy! Christ is Risen, Alleluia!”

Evangelical Lutheran Worship, 388

This past weekend, hundreds of Lutherans from across our New Jersey Synod gathered in assembly. Synod Assembly is an annual event—filled with worship, educational opportunities, prayer, resolutions, and reports from our synod leaders and ministry partners. The theme for our gathering this year was “Be Not Afraid! Sing Out For Joy!” It is inspired by the Taize Hymn, which was inspired by the good news proclaimed by the messenger at the empty tomb in the gospels of Matthew and Mark.

Have you ever noticed that a messenger of God says, “Be not afraid” when there is something amazing happening and the human and natural response would be to be afraid? Sometimes our fear keeps us from proclaiming the gospel. Sometimes our fear quiets our voice that would speak for justice and peace. Sometimes our fear dulls our hope or keeps our vision turned inward instead of outward.

In this hymn and proclamation of good news, we hear that the tomb is empty. Jesus is Risen. Even death has been overcome by God. What then is there to fear? We are called to “Sing Out for Joy!” This is who God has created and called us to be! To sing out for justice and peace. To sing out for hope and life. And, we are called into this vision as a whole church and community—walking with one another into God’s hope filled future.

O God, giver of life and joy, turn our hearts to you and to the world you so love. Let our songs be of praise, our voices speak for justice for the oppressed, and our lives reflect your joy. Amen.

Contributed by Pastor Becky
Monday May 9, 2016
Liturgical Year C: Week 24
Liturgical Color: white
Sunday Gospel reading: cEaster7
Seventh Sunday of Easter Sunday