March 21, 2016


Read Matthew 21:12 to 25:46.

What makes you angry? For what reasons might you feel threatened? How are you influenced – through the decision of your own thoughts, process, research, and gut instincts or through peer pressure, others' opinions, or mob mentality? Are you one who is aware of your feelings and of the rippling effects your courses of action have on others?

In preparing to write this devotion, I decided to review Matthew’s account of the events of Christ's life from his joyful entry into Jerusalem right until his sharing of the Last Supper, in essence, his parables and teachings from Sunday until roughly Wednesday of what we call Passion or Holy Week, his valedictory tour, if you will. From the beginning of his ministry, Christ inspired his audiences but also charged them with responsibilities. He continued to focus on the basic human needs in all of us, those of honesty, truth, love, and respect for each other regardless of rank or social strata. While perceived as charismatic by many and sometimes puzzling and curious by others, up to this point Christ had not been in the direct jurisdiction of the higher officials as he would be in the final week of his earthly life, reinforcing themes of the kingdom of heaven (those who have been invited and those who might enter) and the temporary nature of the various financial aspects and the hierarchical positions of our present existence. Christ had, in effect, stepped into the lion’s den like the martyrs in future generations later would be thrown before the roused beasts and crazed Roman rulers and people until the reign of Constantine. The stage for a power struggle of personalities and doctrine had been set.

It can be self-revealing to do a mental role–play to try to comprehend how various groups of people received and reacted to Christ’s ways. A number of times, Christ was quizzed by the chief priests as well as the Pharisees and Sadducees about his political and religious stances; his answers often cited Old Testament scriptures, poetically throwing the mirror in front of his mind-game playing, manipulative enquirers, reminding them of their own corrupt behaviors and practices, alternately causing anger and confusion among them. His words and ideas seemed so simple to the minds and ears yet challenging in execution, not only to those then but to many of us even today.

One may wonder how and why the tone of the masses changed so quickly and drastically within this week, from praising with melodious "hosannas" at the start to the shrill screams of "Crucify Him!" days later. Had they, too, genuinely been shaken to the core by Christ, or did they feel inwardly fervent, but unable to disclose that publicly? Was it out of their own survival that they not resist the Roman authorities and their designates as well as the elders of the temple? Even two of Christ’s own "few chosen" disciples, Peter and Judas, cracking under the pressure and fearing for their lives, betrayed their Master. After the people had decided Christ's fate, might Pontius Pilate privately have been so moved and stirred with Christ’s fortitude after he had washed his hands of the matter, or was he also terrified by him? While in a position of local authority, Pilate was sandwiched between the people below and the emperor above. Unquestionably, Christ left his mark on all who encountered him leaving the questioners to search for answers within themselves.

If Christ were to return today, would/could we recognize him? Would we support him? Would our antagonized society find ways to end his life in contemporary conventional ways just as crucifixion was the style of his day? Many movies over the recent years have attempted to show a more graphic depiction of Christ's crucifixion, but for all of its brutality, is it any less forgivable when we, with knowledge, conscience, and/or pre-meditation disrespect, harm, or kill our fellow man, regardless of the demographics, diversities, motivation, or means? When/If this were to happen, would anyone notice or care? Would the biased news media pick up and report the story? Do we choose to deny, acknowledge, or redefine to our own agendas the tasks we should own as followers of Christ? Should the words of the well–known hymn "Were you there when they crucified my Lord?" be updated to "Are you here as I crucify my Lord?" Such is fodder of our own mental mastication.

Heavenly Father, As we reflect upon our penitential meditations during this Lenten season, help us to realize that this self–evaluation is a daily ritual to improve our abilities to be constant instruments of Your love and peace which Christ personified throughout his life, his sacrifice, and his resurrection. Amen.

Contributed by Kenneth
Monday March 21, 2016
Liturgical Year C: Week 17
Liturgical Color: purple
Sunday Gospel reading: cPalmSun
Palm Sunday