"Lord, now lettest thou Thy servant depart in peace according to Thy word, for mine eyes have seen Thy salvation, which Thou hast prepared before the face of all people to be a light to lighten the Gentiles and to be the glory of Thy people Israel."”
- Luke 2:29-32 (as worded in the 1662 Book of Common Prayer)
At this point in many of the churches’' lectionaries, there is a rush of events in very quick succession in the life of Christ. In the blink of an eye, we time travel from his birth (with the visitation of shepherds and Magi) to the family's flight into Egypt, to his presentation at the temple, to his meeting with the rabbis as an adolescent, and finally fast forwarding to his adult years with his baptism, his temptation, and the formal start of his ministry. While the term "Epiphany" is used to denote the feast of his revelation to the Magi and thereby to representatives from the outside Gentile world beyond the local Judaic community, the secondary definitions of "epiphany" (according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary) include "a usually sudden manifestation or perception of the essential nature or meaning of something; an intuitive grasp of reality through something (as an event) usually simple and striking an illuminating discovery, realization, or disclosure; a revealing scene or moment". During a number of these initial events in Christ's life, more than one meaning of the word coincides, in essence the revelation of a deity inspiring the cathartic a-ha moments.
Following the star on their pilgrimage to worship the Christ Child, the Magi (exactly how many the scriptures do not detail) were led to Herod, whose inhibited, inquisitive jealousy in having a competitive ruler potentially overthrow him eventually led him to slaughter countless infants in the vicinity to maintain his political influence and control. Yet when the Magi arrived at the manger and saw in the face of a baby an open, accepting, non-threatening innocence of love that would be the hallmark of His life's ministry, they knew that every step of their trip had been empowered by this new hope. The decision to return home another way was no doubt inspired not only by the ominous dream from God but by the uplifting glimpse of the power of the boundless, dimensionless nature of His unrestricted love for all mankind. Wisely, they bypassed the destructive divisiveness of a despot’s hateful envy. Although the scriptures do not follow them after their returns to their respective home countries, it would have been interesting to know what happened to them next – how had they changed from their mental and physical journey, and with whom did they share the insights of their experience?
At Christ's presentation at the temple, the elder Simeon immediately recognized who the infant was and foretold the future impact the young one would make on mankind during and beyond His lifetime. Known as the "Nunc dimittis" or Simeon's benediction, the passage above is part of the year-round evening vespers service in the Anglican, Lutheran and Catholic liturgies, musically set by countless composers (most often as a companion to the "Magnificat", Mary[s response to her visit from the angel Gabriel). Notice the duality of the word "lighten" – not only to allow the admission of light and a deeper understanding into our beings but also to spiritually lessen or aid in bearing the heavy weight of life. One of Simeon’s final epiphanies came in seeing the fulfillment of prophesy.
Approximately three decades later, John the Baptist in his seemingly eccentric and radical mannerisms was found traveling around with his mission of touting the message of a new messiah, only to actually come face to face with him and baptizing him by his request. In so doing, the torch of the covenant of love was passed to its ultimate human bearer. The path of Christ's mission which will be followed into his final earthly days to his resurrection over the coming weeks is filled with these transforming lightning-flash moments for those who encountered Christ whether it was a single isolated situation or whether it was on a steady recurring basis.
Our holiday festivities have now passed into photos and memories of our personal histories. The presents have been opened (some exchanged or returned), the egg nog has been drunk, and the Magi have come and gone. The familiar, oft-quoted scriptures of the season have been recited and recounted. We find ourselves on the other end of time and into a new year. What have we spiritually taken away with us that will keep the messages of Christmas and Epiphany alive in us for the rest of the year? Did we glean any different perspectives or deeper meanings, any profound a-ha light-bulb moments of higher consciousness through this repetition which can guide us through the next stages of our existences? Only we can answer that for ourselves.
Heavenly Father, may the lessons we learned from the previous year and holiday season help to guide our goal - and decision-making in this new year. With your loving support and patient omnipresence, help us to stay the path and incorporate the wisdom of our personal epiphanies to a greater appreciation and understanding of the world in which we live. Amen.
Contributed by Ken
Monday January 11, 2016
Liturgical Year: C Week 8
Liturgical Color: White
Sunday Gospel reading: cBaptism
Baptism of the Lord