For we ourselves were once foolish, disobedient, led astray, slaves to various passions and pleasures, passing our day in malice and envy, despicable, hating one another. But when the goodness and kindness of God our Savior appeared, he saved us not because 0f any works of righteousness that we have done but according to His mercy, through the water of re-birth and re-newal by the Holy Spirit. This Spirit he poured out on us richly through Jesus Christ our Savior, so that, we having been justified by his grace, might become heirs according to the hope of eternal life. (Titus 3: 3-7, Oxford Annotated Bible)
Note: All upper case letters are quotes taken from the article titled, "IT'S ALL ABOUT GRACE, What Draws People to the ELCA": February 2015 which was the trigger for my Running in Faith message this week.
"GRACE AND WELCOME ARE THE RECURRING WORDS THAT LED THEM TO THE LUTHERAN CHURCH." I must reiterate that these two words resonate with all of my experiences. I was not looking to become a Lutheran; the Lutheran way of life was looking for me.
On trips to North Carolina over several years I attended worship at several different Lutheran churches in Wilmington, Water of Life ELCA, Pastor Rachel Connelly; Newton, Beth Eden ELCA, Pastor Jane Mitchum; and Morganton, Calvary ELCA, Pastor Mike Riley. On these trips I got to know the pastors and some members of the congregations as well and my experiences at each of these parishes contributed much to lead me to seek membership in an ELCA congregation. BUT FOR SOME THE DOOR WAS OPENED BY A FRIEND, A PASTOR. The first seed was planted by my friend Brenda on the first of many trips to her home, with a simple invitation to join her at worship. The invite was offered at every visit and followed by each of the pastors providing first the "Word" through wonderful sermons, the welcome to the Table, which took some time for me to accept because of restraints I put on it from my faith base in Orthodoxy, along with my hard heartedness. These Pastors provided wonderful sermons which fed me week after week The same is true of our Pastors Dan and Becky, whose sermons always give me something to meditate on and always help me grow in my personal relationship with Christ.
SOME IDENTIFIED THE HOOK AS LITURGY. I immediately was comfortable with the liturgy, though being a traditionalist, it took me a while at one of these parishes to appreciate the "praise music."
JOURNEY I STAYED WITH THE ELCA BECAUSE WE ACCEPT PEOPLE WHERE THEY ARE, AND WALK WITH THEM IN A JOURNEYTOWARD BECOMING DISIPLES. Very early at 7:00 AM during the first week of November in 2012 I gave my friend a call asking her if she was sitting down as I had something to tell her. I wanted her to be the first to know of my decision to pursue joining an ELCA congregation and planned to visit the NJ Synod to look into the procedure to move on. Knowing Bishop Tracie, (serving as assistant to the Bishop then) my friend offered to call her which started the ball rolling. Of course I said, "go ahead." About nine thirty or so I had a most cordial call from Tracie. The meeting was set and soon I was on my way toward the end of my twelve year journey. In meeting with Tracie I felt I knew her a long time, so warm, so sincere, so much love for me. We discussed options and she encouraged me to take my time, to visit all the churches before making a decision. Patience is not a virtue of mine and I was ready to go hook, line and sinker. In our conversation she mentioned the five thirty service at Abiding Presence. She accepted me right where I was, and walked with me in my journey to becoming a disciple. She was my sponsor on Easter Vigil 2013 when I BECAME Lutheran by joining Abiding Presence.
THE HOLY SPIRIT TOOK ME BY THE HAND AND SHOWED ME THE WAY. The following Saturday I decided to go to Abiding Presence the most distant church from my home. (I know the Holy Spirit was on my shoulder. (I think Martin Luther was in the back seat with a wink in his eye and a smile on his face.) I arrived well ahead of time wanting some solitude to take in the sanctuary and to offer some prayers before the start of worship. The greeter was there to welcome this stranger in his midst. From the moment I walked into the sanctuary taking a seat on the right side and in the back, of course. I felt at peace. Being a visual person I first took in the simple cross which took me to the reason for our worship and praise!, My attention then went to the stained glass windows of the symbols of the Alpha and the Omega. This always takes me to a favorite Scripture verse: Rev. 1:8 "I am the Alpha and the Omega," says the Lord God, who is, who was and who is to come, the Almighty. Then I focused on the stained glass windows depicting events from the Old and New Testaments. Each one took me to the Lord much as the iconography from my tradition had over many years. This made me quite comfortable.
The organist began the prelude and I prepared to participate in my first worship service at APLC, The Saturday Evening Communion Service.
THE BULLETIN STATED "ALL ARE WELCOMED AT THE LORD'S TABLE," AND HE WAS TOLD GOD (NOT A PRIEST) FORGIVES HIM. THE SERMON WAS ABOUT LOVE AND HOPE. Pastors Dan and Becky took their places. Pastor Dan welcomed all visitors of which I was one, and invited all to the Table. He took us to the Baptismal Font and worship began. After silent reflection, we in one voice confessed our sins and as stated above were forgiven. The simplicity of the grace of our Lord hooked me again as it had at all the Lutheran churches I have attended. Pastor Dan's sermon was about God's Providence. It was not coincidence, but the work of the Spirit that he focused his words on Elijah and the Raven. The only OT icon in my home is the one that depicts this story. It is in my office. As I see that icon now almost daily it reminds me, as it always has, of God's Providence each day, everywhere and in every situation as well of Pastor Dan's sermon at my first Evening Communion Service at Abiding Presence.
Saturday night worship was my choice for perhaps a month or two. As I felt more comfortable in my home of worship I felt I wanted to attend a Sunday service. Needless to say, I was "hooked" not only by the beautiful voices in the choir, but by the participation in the singing of the hymns by the congregation. I am not familiar with most of the beautiful hymns, but found it easy to follow along. First following with my finger and silently in my head, then with a whisper, and now I am happy to say I feel like a real part of the angelic voices of The Abiding Presence Congregational Choir singing praises during worship. This is the first and only choir in which I have participated. Though my memory is not what it used to be I hope someday to memorize many of these hymns.
As I look at this journey, I know that God knew way back in 2001 on my first invite to Water of Life ELCA that through the Holy Spirit in ever so many ways, He would bring me to the place he wanted me, here at Abiding Presence ELCA. Thanks be to God.
O God, giver of life, we thank you for opportunities to pass on the faith to our children. Inspire us; make us creative and persistent in telling others about your goodness and mercy. Amen
Contributed by Joyce
Monday February 23, 2015
Liturgical Year B: Week 13
Liturgical Color: Purple
Sunday Gospel reading: Lent1
First Sunday in Lent