July 27, 2015

I had the privilege of being in Detroit from July 12 – 19 to participate in our church’s Youth Gathering. In addition to the main gathering, I also attended the Multi-cultural Youth Leadership Event (MYLE) and the Definitely –Abled Youth Leadership Event (DAYLE) which were held the three days immediately preceding the main event. The pre-events were smaller (500 at MYLE and 50 at DAYLE) and targeted to specific participants in order to develop leadership among our young people who are often overlooked in the midst of our predominately white and able-bodied church.

For 5 days, however, everyone came together – youth and adults, people with a variety of skin color, ethnic backgrounds, physical and intellectual abilities, economic realities, language preferences, and church experiences. Kids came from very rural areas, urban centers, suburban sprawl, and small towns. Young people came from companion synods across the world and from Detroit itself. It was a complete representation of the ELCA!

I was able to be with the APLC contingent for our assigned work day – one of three days when the Gathering participants rotated between a synod day of Bible Study and story sharing, a day to explore the interactive ministry displays in the convention center, and a work day around Detroit. Our group was assigned the task of cleaning and clearing an alley in a neighborhood that was still struggling to recover after the 1967 riots. Yes, you read that correctly, this neighborhood was still suffering the effects of race riots that took place 48 years prior!

Our group cleared brush, extracted trash (sofas, chairs, bags of household goods, unknown debris), and made the alleyway accessible and usable for the neighbors who lived there. The day was hot and humid. The work was dirty and tiring. Neighbors provided tools for the job and water to quench our thirst. Younger children asked to join us. Thank yous were in abundance. Every one of the youth in our group worked hard – there were no slackers, no whiners, no kids looking to get out of work.

Every night all 30,000 participants gathered at Ford Field to hear inspirational speakers, listen to and sing along with musical guests (including a Motown Experience!), and worship Jesus Christ. It was loud, it was chaotic at times, and it was powerful. We were reminded of the call to justice that is part of our baptismal covenant – claimed by God in the waters of baptism, we walk wet through our lives as we serve all people in Jesus’ name and strive for justice and peace in all the earth.

I hope that you have a chance to talk with the young people and adults from APLC who attended the Gathering. I hope you will ask more than just, “did you have fun?”. For these kids and their leaders grew in their faith, made a difference in Detroit, and learned just how much God loves them every day. Ask about their week, watch the videos from the Gathering (elca.org/gathering), and pray that their experiences will continue to impact their lives here at home.

We pray: O God, you provide more than we deserve or desire. Your love claims us and holds us to your heart forever. Bless your children of every age -- empower their service, enliven their faith, and refresh their commitment to live for others. Forgive us when we overlook the gifts of our young leaders. Raise up and support the youth who will lead your church and transform this world. Give us all a measure of your grace so that we boldly share your love with all we meet. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

Contributed by Bishop Bartholomew
Monday July 27, 2015
Liturgical Year B: Week 35
Liturgical Color: Green
Sunday Gospel reading: Proper12
Nineth Sunday after Pentecost