February 2, 2015

Ground Hog Day

February 2nd is Ground Hog Day. For most of us it is the only reason we might know anything about Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania and a ground hog named Phil who lives there. It is widely believed that if Phil emerges from his burrow on this day and sees his shadow, he will scurry back into his burrow and there will be at least six more weeks of winter. If the morning is cloudy and Phil does not see his shadow, he assures that there will be an early spring. The only real certainty in this prediction is the happiness of the local Chamber of Commerce and some momentary comic relief from the winter doldrums. That's not a bad thing.

Somewhat ironically, February 2nd is also the Christian festival day of The Presentation and the Purification of Mary. (It is also known as Candlemas.) This is the day when the Church specifically remembers Mary and Joseph presenting the infant Jesus in the temple and offering the customary sacrifice of thanksgiving. It is also the day when traditionally the church makes the turn from the Christmas Festival toward Lent and the Easter Festival.

The story of the Presentation of Jesus is recorded in Luke (Lk 2:.22-40). The heart of the story is the encounter with Simeon, "a righteous and devout man looking forward to the consolation of Israel..." (v. 25). Luke says that the Holy Spirit had revealed to Simeon that he would not see death before he had seen the Lord's Messiah. When Simeon took the baby Jesus into his arms, he knew that the day of salvation had come. So Simeon begins a song of praise to God:

Master, now you are dismissing your servant in peace, according to your word; for my eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared in the presence of all peoples, a light for revelation to the Gentiles and for glory to your people Israel.

Simeon experiences more than a prediction come true. Simeon proclaims in faith a promise fulfilled. This is far better than knowing what the weather ahead might be! With Simeon we share the fulfillment of a future securely held by God. And, we are reassured of God's promises whenever the bread of life and the cup of salvation are placed in our hands. Whatever comes - blizzard snow or bright sunshine -we journey in the light of Christ and the Risen Christ walks with us. That's a promise. Thanks be to God.

We Pray: Help us to see your presence in the world, dear Christ, and with your servant Simeon guide us into a future filled with peace, sharing your mercy and hope as we go. Amen.

Contributed by Bishop Riley
Monday February 2, 2015
Liturgical Year B: Week 10
Liturgical Color: Green
Sunday Gospel reading: Epiphany4
Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany