Pride goes before destruction,
a haughty spirit before a fall.
Proverbs 16:18 (NIV)
Lately, nature’s rampage has become evident. As a species, we remain subject to the vagaries of our climate, powerless to control it. Adaptability has always served humanity well; we can create artificial sources of warmth and coolness, and ward off the legions of bacteria and viruses accosting us to some degree. Facing freezing cold, snow, black ice and other weather-induced horrors, somehow we continue.
After gingerly picking my way through the flooding, the glacial water boasting miniature icebergs, I have noticed that the view of lovely downtown Trenton has definitely changed. Satellite dishes bloom like masses of mutated mushrooms, cables snake through the detritus on the ground, and reporters from every news source imaginable have made their appearance.
The mighty have fallen thunderously. The thuds of their landing resonate loudly. Certain people, through popular acclaim or accrual of wealth become virtual idols. Celebrity leads them to become exalted in certain eyes, most notably their own. Then, sometimes, there is great joy in watching idols topple, and almost a schadenfreude in observing the once-haughty groveling and struggling to hold their high positions and privileged status.
The Golden Calf did not prove worthy, and everyone dwelling on this earth bears flaws and imperfections. Surprisingly, this fact attracts media attention.
A Prayer for Humility
O Father, give us the humility which realizes its ignorance,
Admits its mistakes, recognizes its need, welcomes advice,
Accepts rebuke. Help us always to praise rather than to criticize,
To sympathize rather than to discourage, to build rather than to destroy,
And to think of people at their best rather than at their worst.
This we ask for thy name’s sake. Amen.
A Prayer by William Barclay
Contributed by Carol
Monday January 27, 2014
Liturgical Year A: Week 9
Liturgical Color: Green
Sunday Gospel reading:
Third Sunday after the Epiphany