February 17, 2014

Following Hurricane Sandy, a message on the back of a package was sent in a trailer of goods to St. Thomas, Brick in October of 2012. The message said: “Isaiah 41:10— with love from an ex-Jersey girl— stay strong!” In case you’re wondering, Isaiah 41:10 reads:

Do not fear, for I am with you,
do not be afraid, for I am your God;
I will strengthen you, I will help you,
I will uphold you with my victorious right hand.

I have posted a picture and a quotation in a new NJ Synod Disaster Response Blog that we’ve started. I never thought I would be a blogger. I still kind of wonder who actually reads blogs... But, I was convinced by someone who knows far more about online communication than I do, to begin one. This would become a way to curate information and stories of God at work in the aftermath of disaster.

We’ve only had this up and running for about a month, and it’s still too early to tell how helpful this blog ministry is. But, I do trust that the Holy Spirit works through all kinds of people and that God uses our gifts.

While I don’t advocate sending goods directly after a disaster (sometimes that does more harm than good...), this particular gift was a meaningful find. We don’t know who sent this message of support and hope in a trailer full of goods here to NJ. But, this person was certainly creative and thoughtful in sharing the gospel.

Both this gift, signed in marker, and all of the other ways that we communicate with one another are gifts from God. We are called to use the gifts God has first given us, in sharing, telling, writing, blogging, tweeting, accompanying one another, in sharing the good news of Jesus Christ and the presence of God with us.

If you’d like to learn more about our NJ Synod’s Disaster Response, you can find the blog at http://alongthewayhurricanesandy.wordpress.com/

Gracious God, all good gifts come from you. Use as and the gifts you have given us in communicating the good news of your presence. Amen. .

Contributed by Pastor Becky
Monday February 17, 2014
Liturgical Year A: Week 12
Liturgical Color: Green
Sunday Gospel reading:
Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany