This month, gifts reign paramount in our thoughts. Many gifts are given from the heart to those we love, while others originate from a sense of obligation. The holiday season has become a time when money is spent to impress people we don’t even like, or when guilt engenders because there is never enough treasure to buy what we would like to give those we truly love.
Someone asked me recently what I planned to give a mutual acquaintance as a holiday gift. Without thinking, I blurted out: How about a book called “Chicken Soup for the Psychopath’s Soul?” After the shocked gaze, and subsequent laughter, I thought about composing such a volume for my own entertainment. The person in question would enjoy little vignettes of horror and tragedy, and would probably appreciate the offering immensely. I’m equally sure he would scorn any conventional bequest.
Where to find the inspiration for stories to entertain and inspire a psychopath? Tune into the news, surf the internet, and material flows in abundance. Some beneficial events must occur; however, they don’t seem important or get widely reported. Worldwide misery seeps from all corners of the globe, and the sparkling lights of the season stand widely interspersed in comparison.
And, so we wait, for goodness to conquer evil, and justice to triumph over hate. The true meaning of this season has nothing to do with finances or psychopaths. And, so we wait, for the coming of a Savior to eclipse the horror and tragedy, and obliterate the material for this imaginary book.
Lead Me to Peace, “Lead me from death to life, from falsehood to truth. Lead me from despair to hope, from fear to trust. Lead me from hate to love, from war to peace. Let peace fill my heart, my world, my universe. Amen”
Contributed by Carol
Monday December 8, 2014
Liturgical Year B: Week 2
Liturgical Color: Blue
Sunday Gospel reading: Advent 2
Second Sunday of Advent