April 28, 2014

“Christ is arisen, alleluia. Rejoice and praise him, alleluia. For our redeemer burst from the tomb, even from death, dispelling its gloom. Let us sing praise to him with endless joy. Death’s fearful sting he has come to destroy. Our sin forgiving, alleluia! Jesus is living, alleluia!” Christ Has Arisen, Alleluia. (ELW 364 vs. 1)

Sometimes the names of Easter hymns make me laugh. Don’t get me wrong, I love to sing in worship, and especially Easter hymns. But, you don’t have to look too hard in the Easter section of the hymnal to see that there’s a suspicious overuse of some words (and exclamation points!!!). Some examples of hymn titles:
     Christ Has Arisen, Alleluia (ELW 364)
     Jesus Christ Is Risen Today (ELW 365)
     Christ the Lord Is Risen Today; Alleluia! (ELW 369)
     Christ Is Arisen (ELW 372)
     Christ the Lord Is Risen Today! (ELW 373)
     Alleluia! Christ Is Arisen (ELW 375)
     Alleluia! Jesus Is Risen! (ELW 377)
     Christ Is Risen! Alleluia! (ELW 382)
     Christ Is Risen! Shout Hosanna! (ELW 383)
These words of praise do not exist in a vacuum. Rather they are sung and spoken in the midst of death. In midst of sin, grief, pain, and fear-from the tomb. While they make me laugh, the songs demand their abundance of exclamation points and alleluias, because it’s from a tomb that Christ gives the gift of new life. The news of the resurrected Christ, in the midst of darkness, is so unexpected, mysterious, and joyous, there are few better ways to describe the event. Thanks be to God! Christ Has Arisen, Alleluia!

Contributed by Pastor Becky
Monday April 28, 2014
Liturgical Year A Week 22
Liturgical Color: White
Sunday Gospel reading:
Second Sunday of Easter