‘‘‘Anyone who has been to the 8:15 service at APLC the past few weeks has heard my daughter. For some reason, she is incredibly vocal in the morning and particularly at church. She’s not crying or screaming or throwing temper tantrums-she’s just singing her heart out along with the music. At 11 months old, she doesn't know what's an appropriate volume at which to make noise or when to sing. She‘s exploring the world God created and expressing her joy at what she hears and sees. Am I embarrassed by her noise? Sometimes. Is she loud and crazy? Yep. Do I worry that she is distracting other people from worship? Absolutely. But as Pastor Whitener pointed out, today's Hymn of the Day says, “infant voices shall proclaim their early blessings on his name.”
I’m at that stage of life where many of my friends on Facebook now have children and the blog post “Dear Parents with young children in church” by I am totally “that” mom made the rounds this week. “[A] stay at home mama to two little boys and a pastor’s wife,” she encouraged parents with young children to continue to take their children to worship.
She writes:
“When you are here, the church is filled with a joyful noise. When you are here, the Body of Christ is more fully present. When you are here, we are reminded that this worship thing we do isn’t about Bible Study or personal, quiet contemplation but coming together to worship as a community where all are welcome, where we share in the Word and Sacrament together. When you are here, I have hope that these pews won’t be empty in ten years when your kids are old enough to sit quietly and behave in worship. I know that they are learning how and why we worship now, before it’s too late. They are learning that worship is important.”
I know that there are moments when my daughter is distracting. I know there are contemplative services which may not be the best ones for her to go to. I hope that God grants me the wisdom to know when it’s appropriate to keep her in the service and when I need to take her out. But my husband and I know our daughter is a child of God and she has a place at God’s table. We bring her to God’s house to learn to worship and to remind her that she is marked with the cross of Christ forever. We want all children, including her, to know that they are part of God’s family and will always be welcomed at church.
Almighty God, with a mother’s love and a father’s care you have blessed us with the joy and responsibility of children. As we bring them up, give us gracious love, calm strength, and patient wisdom, that we may teach them to love whatever is just and true and good, following the example of Jesus Christ, our Savior. Amen. ELW page 82
Contributed by Jennifer
Monday June 3, 2013
Liturgical Year C: Week 27
Liturgical Color: Green
Sunday Gospel reading: Proper 4
Second Sunday after Pentecost