Let Go and Let God
Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you
(Psalm 55:22 niv)
Did you ever just want to give up? I suffered an ailment recently; not a physical ailment such as a curvature of the spine, but more exactly, a curvature of the mind. This ailment, the “medical” name for which is incurvatus in se, is defined as being curved in upon the self and was described by Luther as a condition that “wickedly, curvedly, and viciously seeks all things, even God, for its own sake.” I was “incurvatusly” inflicted when I felt inadequate; life was getting me down so I made a solid effort to vanquish some personal weaknesses, swinging my sword and attacking my frailties wherever they appeared in daily and weekly circumstances. I tried to recapture a vitality I knew in my youth. I ignored the needs and problems of others and concentrated almost entirely on myself and my own troubles. As a result, I ended up feeling more humbled and inadequate than ever before, emotionally and physically broken. I gave up.
…but you will cry out from anguish of heart and wail in brokenness of spirit (Isaiah 65:14).
There is a movie called Cast Away that stars Tom Hanks as a modern Robinson Crusoe. He is plane-wrecked on an island for several years but with great ingenuity, resourcefulness and strength; he makes his escape in a man-made raft out onto the open sea…where he is summarily pummeled into submission by the sheer forces of nature. He finally gives up all hope and, in a moving scene, removes his strapped oars from the creaking raft and lays them adrift in the water, thereby leaving his salvation to influences other than himself. This is where I was. I gave up. But in my self-defeat came the realization which I already knew but in my worldly pride had ignored: It was utterly stupid of me to fight these wars without God; my self-defeat was God’s opportunity. Excuse the hackneyed cliché but…
I let go and let God.
I gave up trying to do it on my own. I gave up trying to make myself better with my own devices. I gave up ignoring those around me. I prayed to be infused with excurvatus in se; that is, I will turn away from myself and only look to the needs of those around me. From the depths of where I came, this is going to be a slow process, but nothing profoundly gained was ever accomplished quickly.
Be imitators of God therefore, as dearly loved children, and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us… (Ephesians 5:1–2).
I need help to be “excurvated”. I do not have to feel like a pansy because I cannot do this on my own. The sheer forces of nature can pummel me every bit as easily as Tom Hank’s raft so I need someone with strength beyond that of nature; someone who can calm the seas and move mountains and raise the dead. I need someone who can topple temples and rebuild them in three days. I need someone who can stand before kings and proclaim the truth. I need someone that can save me from myself. I need Jesus Christ.
For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost (Luke 19:10).
Dear Heavenly Father,
Do not let me be anxious about anything, but encourage me in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, to present my requests to you. Allow me your peace, which transcends all understanding and guards my heart and my mind in Christ Jesus. Amen.
Contributed by Donald
Monday February 4, 2013
Liturgical Year: C Week 10
Liturgical Color: Green
Sunday Gospel reading:
Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany