December 16, 2013

The expert in the law replied, “The one who had mercy on him.”
Jesus told him, “Go and do likewise.”

(Luke 10:31)

We read in the Bible that an expert in the law asked Jesus, “Who is my neighbor?” Jesus answered by telling him the parable of the Good Samaritan and ended by asking the expert which of the three men in the story was a neighbor to the man in need? We at Abiding Presence recently completed a social ministry project titled Christmas Sharing in Our Neighborhood. Who were our neighbors?

We were told they were families living just above the poverty level and having a difficult time making ends meet, families below the poverty level in ongoing desperate situations, and children of military personnel serving overseas. I would like to share a few of their stories with you so that you will know what kind of help our neighbors needed and was given.

There was a widow whose husband was accidentally killed this year while working in a position that probably provided no life insurance. She is now the provider for her four children and requested gifts she could give to them.

Another neighbor was an autistic child whose only Christmas wish was for a present he could give his cat.

A young teen using a computer (provided by his school district) to do his homework requested a chair to sit upon. He explained there are not enough chairs in the family home for each person to be able to have a chair to sit on.

A family of five who live in a one-room, basement apartment (sharing their one bed) told us they were in desperate need of toiletries, towels and sheets. They told us being given these products for their daily needs would make Christmas extra special for them and help them remember Christmas throughout the year.

An elderly grandmother raising an eight-year-old child with physical disabilities requested gifts for the child – clothing only. She asked nothing for herself.

Parents serving in military units overseas and thus unable to be home for Christmas wanted their children to have something special to help fill the void of the parent’s absence during the holidays. The base commander, who knew these children and their parents, provided ideas specifically targeted for what each child would like and needed. During a base Christmas party, each of these children will receive a surprise gift – especially purchased for them.

A mother studying to take the GED so that she can get better employment to help support her family asked for study materials to help her learn.

Parents each working multiple part-time jobs to support their three children, as well as the husband’s mother, asked for winter coats for the children.

Our project met the Christmas wishes for these people, as well as those of many others of our neighbors.

He who gives to the poor lacks nothing……
Proverbs 28:27a

Contributed byNancy
Monday December 16, 2013
Liturgical Year A: Week 3
Liturgical Color: Blue
Sunday Gospel reading Advent3
Third Sunday of Advent