Descriptions of the violence and destruction in Egypt have filled the news. Reports from friends whose relatives are affected make the tragedies seem closer.
Our Psalm for this Sunday offers guidance for such a time. It begins: “God presides in the great assembly; he renders judgment among the ‘gods’” (Psalm 82:1). This verse reminds us that God is over and above all. He presides above forces that we do not perceive. The psalmist then pleas with God for others: “Defend the weak and the fatherless; uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed” (Psalm 82:3). The psalmist concludes by committing the task of judging to the God who is over all: “Rise up, O God, judge the earth, for all the nations are your inheritance” (Psalm 82:8). The psalmist calls the God who is over all to act.
We can learn a couple things from this. The psalm reminds us that our judgment is always under question. We ought to listen—both to God and others—before rendering judgment about who is in the right and in the wrong. It also reminds us that God cares for the oppressed. We cannot disregard oppressed peoples—be they Christian, Muslim, or of any other identity.
Political, economic, and humanitarian responses are outside my competence. I can only offer that by listening to this psalm, perhaps we can learn to listen to God and those involved before acting too rashly.
We mourn and grieve violence and sectarianism. We pray for peace and justice and stability in Egypt. We pray for the Christian community to continue to embody the love, patience and meekness of Christ. We pray for the future so that these acts of violence would not create forms of terrorism or oppression.
We mourn and grieve violence and sectarianism. We pray for peace and justice and stability in Egypt. We pray for the Christian community to continue to embody the love, patience and meekness of Christ. We pray for the future so that these acts of violence would not create forms of terrorism or oppression.
(prayer from “We Pray for the Future” by Safwat Marzouk [an Egyptian Christian Old Testament scholar and our former neighbor],
Contributed by Philip
Monday August 19, 2013
Liturgical Year C: Week 38
Liturgical Color: Green
Sunday Gospel reading: Proper 15
Thirthteenth Sunday after Pentecost