September 3, 2012

Today is Labor Day and a time of rest from your labors. While Labor Day is generally regarded as a time of relaxation (and maybe your last “hurrah” this summer), it originated during the labor union movements of the 1800s as a way to celebrate the social and economic advancements of the United States and pay tribute to the driving force of our economy—the American laborer.

The Knights of Labor organization’s motto was “an injury to one is the concern for all” and they worked on ending the use of child labor, attaining equal work for equal pay, shortening the work day to eight hours, and other efforts. The efforts expressed a vision for a more humane approach to human work and (from a Christian perspective) for good stewardship of the health, energy, and talents that God entrusts to us.

While Labor Day is often regarded as the last chance for a long summer weekend at the beach or with friends, might it also offer an opportunity to reflect spiritually on the deeper significance of this national holiday.

Rather than something oppressive, human labor can and should be an expression of God’s grace-filled creativity alive in the world. While the Knights of Labor no longer exists today, Labor Day still offers us a restful opportunity to reflect on the true nature of human work—work that can and should be a loving, life-giving response to God’s own work.

Labor Day, then, offers us a reminder and challenge to affirm the value of work, seek healthy workplace environments, and support opportunities for entrepreneurial adventure in the context of a just social safety net. On Labor Day, we give thanks for those whose efforts have led to workers rights and care for the least of these.

As summer comes to a close we ask God to bless the work of adults who now return from vacations to a more intense period of labor. Even though it is often difficult to walk in another's shoes, may those who labor and those who manage seek to understand each other and their needs. We ask a special blessing on those returning to school. We trust them to God’s care.

Contributed by Chris
Monday September 3, 2012
Liturgical Year B: Week 41
Liturgical Color: Green
Sunday Gospel reading:
Lectionary 22 (Proper 17)
Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost