October 1, 2012

Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing that some have entertained angels without knowing it. (Hebrews 13:2 nrsv)

I am stretching this verse a bit to use it for my devotion because I did not show hospitality to strangers that turned out to be angels, but in the last month I have met a lot of folks who I believe were sent my way by God. I believe that makes them angels. I believe that a lot of you reading this devotion are just like those angels, and in some cases you were those angels to me.

Last month I had a medical emergency that required an overnight hospital stay, and many days of recuperation. The illness was not a blessing, but my experience during the illness was. My incredible family joined forces to keep my business operating, and my home life happy. My church family joined forces to provide me with nourishment of the mind, body, and spirit. I had visitors and calls, I had prayers, and I had meals. Complete strangers joined forces to provide me with medical care that always protected my dignity and that was given with more compassion then I could have ever expected.

There were times and there continue to be times when I rail at God and say, "Why is this happening?" "Where are you?" He is always present and sometimes He works through my family, my church family, and complete strangers to love and guide me through all my struggles. Angels, I have met them, thanks be to God.

Contributed by Debra
Monday October 1, 2012
Liturgical Year B: Week 45
Sunday Gospel reading:
Liturgical Color: Green
Lectionary 26 (Proper 21)
Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost