“And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself.”
[Jesus] said this to indicate the kind of death he was to die
John 12.32–33)
I normally take this text to mean not only that we can tell whether trees are good or bad from their fruits, but also that a tree’s goodness consists in the kind of fruit it produces. A tree’s performance matters not just for pragmatic reasons. But its meaning or essence consists in its action.
This is true enough. However, I realize that there can be another way to read the text. There are indeed doubtful moments of Christian faith, when God appears unreal. This does not, and should not, prevent us from striving to live and behave as if we have a strong conviction of the faith. This does not need to be hypocritical. Here are at least two reasons why.
The verb for “draw” here is used elsewhere in the New Testament to describe a magnetic power that can draw something large, heavy, and immovable. This magnetic power of the cross draws all, not some. There are no loopholes here! No exclusion even though the event is sharply particular. Such language will cause you and me to hesitate in judging anyone as somehow outside the scope of God's love. It is not for us to minimize the magnetism of this tugging love. When Jesus dies on the cross, he draws all people, yes, all to himself—Jew and Greek, male and female, black and white, gay and straight, victims and victimizers, documented and undocumented, bigots and self-righteous liberals, executives with caviar on their lips and street people with cheap wine on their breaths.
Brothers and sisters, within the magnetic field of Jesus' rugged cross, there are no more outsiders. No more! No sin or status is beyond the scope of this drawing power. No heart is too crass or too cold for this new covenant of forgiveness and renewal. Now the ruler of division and exclusion is driven out. Now is Jesus’ hour of tugging and drawing love for you and for me and even for those who distort the true message of his glorious tree. Beneath the cross of Jesus, we long to take our stand for love, for inclusion of all people made precious in God's sight through Christ's rich blood.
Let us pray… Lord God, we are thankful today that there are no loopholes with your costly love. Instill into us today great courage to be generous and inclusive toward those in our path, through Jesus Christ with whom there are no loopholes of love. Amen.
Contributed by Pastor Dan
Monday March 26, 2012
Liturgical Year B: Week 18
Liturgical Color: Purple
Sunday Gospel reading:
Fifth Sunday in Lent