Those who say, “I love God,” and hate their brothers or sisters, are liars; for those who do not love a brother or sister whom they have seen, cannot love God whom they have not seen.
(1 John 4.20 nrsv)
I normally take this text to mean not only that we can tell whether trees are good or bad from their fruits, but also that a tree’s goodness consists in the kind of fruit it produces. A tree’s performance matters not just for pragmatic reasons. But its meaning or essence consists in its action.
This is true enough. However, I realize that there can be another way to read the text. There are indeed doubtful moments of Christian faith, when God appears unreal. This does not, and should not, prevent us from striving to live and behave as if we have a strong conviction of the faith. This does not need to be hypocritical. Here are at least two reasons why.
When I started working in a bank, I realized how unfair and inaccurate the caricature of greedy and crass fat cat bankers was. I was struck not by the immorality, but the amorality, of the profiteering traders and bankers. One may be convinced intellectually that a law is inequitable and harmful. But one might not have an emotional investment in it, but only consider how to adapt to or even benefit from this environment which, half justifiably, one cannot change. I was initially uncomfortable, but, after years in the industry, I discovered that this is becoming my mentality. There is an enormous and subtle power of habituation of the daily push and pull. It is entirely fitting to counter habituation by “pretending” to love God by loving people.
When I read about various great scientific experiments, I cannot but notice how many breakthroughs came about because of better or cleverer measurements and instruments. Scientists took great pains to prime their tool chest. Is it a small wonder that to learn about God and be convinced of God’s reality, one may have to take great pain in priming our spiritual instruments? How can we expect to experience the reality of God if we are unprepared to sense Him when He is speaking to us, and what is a more fitting tuning exercise of our antenna than to love, or behave as if I love?
When we do not find you, church going, or faith engaging, O God, give us strength to still love and give and find people, far and near, those we like and dislike, “engaging,” for it is in loving that we begin to know you. Amen.
Contributed by Hon-Wai
Monday March 19, 2012
Liturgical Year B: Week 17
Liturgical Color: Purple
Sunday Gospel reading:
Fourth Sunday in Lent