January 30, 2012

They went to Capernaum; and when the sabbath came, he entered the synagogue and taught. They were astounded at his teaching, for he taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes. Just then there was in their synagogue a man with an unclean spirit, and he cried out, “What have you to do with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are, the Holy One of God.” But Jesus rebuked him, saying, “Be silent, and come out of him!” And the unclean spirit, convulsing him and crying with a loud voice, came out of him. They were all amazed, and they kept on asking one another, “What is this? A new teaching—with authority! He commands even the unclean spirits, and they obey him.” At once his fame began to spread throughout the surrounding region of Galilee. (Mark 1:21-28 nrsv)

It’s the beginning of Jesus’ ministry. And how does it begin? With teaching. But not just any kind of teaching, it is teaching unlike that of the scribes, it is teaching with “authority.”

What I find interesting is that Mark does not share any of the content of Jesus’ teaching. It’s almost like Mark is saying, “the content isn’t the important part.” In the gospel of Mark what makes Jesus’ teaching authoritative is his person; his teaching is authoritative because of who he is—he is “the Holy One of God.”

The people automatically compare Jesus’ teaching with what they know, with what they have always experienced, with the teaching of the scribes. And, unlike the scribes, the people say that Jesus teaches with “authority.” They are saying that Jesus brings something extra to the table. Jesus’ person has something the scribes don’t. What is that something extra? We need only to look at what happens next—Jesus heals a man with an unclean spirit. There is no difference in the gospel of Mark between Jesus’ teaching and his healing. It’s all part of the same package. So, when the people hear Jesus teach with authority and see Jesus heal with authority, they’re astounded and amazed. This is not at all like what they’ve experienced with the scribes. This teacher is different.

Today we often use the words power and authority interchangeably. But if we look into the world in which Jesus lived, the scribes, along with Pharisees and the Sadducees, had the “power.” They were the interpreters of the law. They decided what and who was acceptable, and what and who was not acceptable. They were part of the “power structure” of the day. Their “power” was simply a given. But they did not necessarily have the support or confidence of the people, so they lacked “authority.” A good example is like dictators, they may be powerful because they have an army behind them, but they lack genuine “authority” in the hearts and minds of the people.

It’s similar with the scribes. They are often presented in the gospels as oppressors of the people who lack a genuine understanding of the law and who possess no understanding of grace. But they’re still powerful because of their position in the society. They may be lousy teachers but they still get to call the shots.

“Authority,” in the best sense of the word, is persuasive; it doesn’t need nor does it depend on threats of force. People gravitate toward genuine authority because it is persuasive, because it speaks to the heart, because genuine authority is recognized as being different; it’s recognized as having come from above.

So, Jesus is different from the scribes, because Jesus is said to teach with “authority.” Jesus’ authority comes from above. He is rightly identified by the demon as “the Holy One of God.” Jesus’ authority comes directly from God. And it’s this divine authority that we see unfolds in the gospel of Mark.

We’re given a clue about just how all encompassing Jesus’ divine authority is when he heals the demon possessed man. Talk of spirits and demons seems primitive and makes us uncomfortable today. However, I don’t think there’s any argument that evil is still a problem. So here then is an example of Jesus’ overcoming evil in the world. And this is what astounds the people: Jesus has the authority to overcome evil. If you think about it, it is still astounding today. What other power or authority is there that can overcome evil, eradicate it, make it go away?

We do not have the power to overcome evil on our own. In fact, left to our own devices we will choose evil more often than good. We know our own capacity for evil and our need for forgiveness. So we come to meet the “Holy One of God’ who has the authority to call evil out of us, to forgive us and to transform us. Then as we follow the light into the world, we, of all people, are given the authority to speak, and live, and heal in ways that feed a hungry world. Now that’s truly astounding to me!

Lord we are astounded by your divine authority and come to you for forgiveness and transformation. Help us to follow you into the world and guide us to speak, live, and act as you empower us to serve others. Amen.

Contributed by Chris
Monday January 30, 2012
Liturgical Year B: Week 10
Liturgical Color: Green
Sunday Gospel reading:
Fourth Sunday after Epiphany