December 24, 2012

God loves a cheerful giver.
(2 Corinthians 9:7)

O Wisdom, you came forth from the mouth of the Most High and, reaching from beginning to end, you ordered all things mightily and sweetly. Come, and teach us the way of prudence. (O Antiphon, December 17)

Again this year our Social Ministry Committee elected to sponsor a Christmas Sharing in Our Neighborhood project. Plans were made to present the activity to the congregation and to provide the needs, and wishes, for 89 people via a narthex display to be set up the weekend of October 27th. I volunteered to lead the project again for Christmas 2012. Relevant information for the project was provided by our neighborhood contacts. I prepared to assemble the display for the project. Then, Hurricane Sandy happened.

We had no power or heat in our home; cooking had to be done on a propane grill in the backyard; and a neighbor's 100-foot pine tree had fallen across our driveway making it impossible for us to get our car out of the garage. But, I decided to try to continue to carry through with the activities in the best way I could. Using only candlelight, pertinent information was written on 216 envelopes - not my best handwriting but I found the activity warmed my cold fingers. The same finger warmth was generated when writing names on the gift tags. Each envelope was then stuffed with instructions as well as a gift tag - my husband helped with that; his fingers needed warming too.

Lastly, pictures for decorating the sides of the collection box were cut from catalogs during daylight hours and pasted on with candlelight in the evening-maybe a little crooked but hopefully still making an attractive display item. A neighbor volunteered to drive me to the church with everything in time to set up the display for the Saturday night service. So, the deadlines related to the presentation of the project were met.

Now, of course, was the wait for the answer to the big question. Would our congregation be able, and willing, to undertake this project now? We all had anxieties resulting from Hurricane Sandy. A significant number of homes were still without power and heat, many families had occurred large expenses as a result of the storm, enormous cleanup responsibilities were required for a great number of yards, and roofs and siding were in need of repair for many houses. Roads were closed in several locations and traffic lights not functioning in a large area. Just getting our lives back to normal was a big task. Would people be willing and able to volunteer their time, effort and money in the midst of their problems?

Abiding Presence has always been a giving congregation. And, more importantly, a cheerful-giving congregation. This continued. In the midst of personal problems, gifts were shopped for, purchased and brought-beautifully wrapped-to the church for distribution. The same excited comments about participating in the project this year were told over and over to me. Smiling people donated a plethora of gifts to our needy neighbors and the children whose family members were serving in the military.

On Christmas day, 89 people will open these gifts. I am sure the cheer experienced by the purchasers will pass to the recipients as they open them. Each person, as they open their gifts, will feel the love of the cheerful givers.

"How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment
before starting to improve the world." Anne Frank

"Lord, continue to present us with ways to be cheerful givers. And when we receive a gift from someone this Christmas, help us to remember to give a cheerful thank-you to him or her. Amen

Contributed by Nancy
Monday December 24, 2012
Liturgical Year C: Week 4
Liturgical Color: Blue
Sunday Gospel reading: Advent4
Fourth Sunday of Advent