December 3, 2012

<"Prepare the way of the Lord."
(Matthew 3:3)

When I hear these words my mind automatically goes to the chorus of Godspell singing "Pre-e-e-pare ye the way of the Lord." Cute song, but how can I actually prepare the way of the Lord?

These words which come from the prophet Isaiah are part of the Gospel story surrounding John the Baptist. He uses these Old Testament words to urge the people of his time to prepare the way of the Lord by repenting and being baptized. We are already saved by the waters of Baptism, so how do we who are saved prepare the way of the Lord?

Advent is a wonderful time to reflect on this question. I believe we prepare the way of the Lord when we take time daily to bring our hopes and sorrows to God in prayer. I believe we prepare the way of the Lord when we open our Bibles and read the ancient stories and reflect on how they are relevant to us and our neighbors today. I also believe we prepare the way of the Lord when we reach out in love to those that God has sent us to serve, when we share our own faith stories, and when we share our time and our resources with those less fortunate then ourselves.

"Pre-e-e-pare ye the way of the Lord."

Contributed by Debra
Monday December 3, 2012
Liturgical Year C: Week 1
Liturgical Color: Blue
Sunday Gospel reading Advent1
First Sunday of Advent