September 26, 2011

[Jesus said] “What do you think? A man had two sons; he went to the first and said, ‘Son, go and work in the vineyard today.’ He answered, ‘I will not’; but later he changed his mind and went. The father went to the second and said the same; and he answered, ‘I go, sir’; but he did not go. Which of these two did the will of his Father?” Matthew 21:28-31

In looking at materials for our Confirmation classes over the summer, it has become abundantly clear to me that teenagers voice the questions that adults would sometimes like to ask. Re:form, our new Confirmation curriculum, includes questions like, “Why should I follow Jesus; can’t I just believe in him?” and “Why should I pray when God doesn’t answer all my prayers?”

From a teenager’s perspective, questioning may be thought of as boldness, or becoming an adult, or re-evaluating the easy answers he or she had grown up with. Many times from an adult’s perspective the questions are irritating or dangerous. Yet when it comes to the life of faith, many of these questions are reoccurring ones, asked by people of a variety of ages, and brought on by intellectual curiosity or huge life and faith changing events.

Jesus has a habit of making his disciples think. He did seemingly impossible healings and miracles. He asked probing questions, many of which folded back on the people who asked them. Jesus calls people to follow, but continues to encourage his disciples to live into discipleship, to ask questions about what discipleship means in daily life, and to follow whole-heartedly. In response to the questions he is asked, Jesus tells us parables and stories that don’t give us easy answers, but that show a wider picture or revelation of who God is.

Questions are about being in relationship with God. Many times we ask because we desperately want to understand how God works in our lives and communities. We don’t have all the answers. God is mysterious after all. Some questions we ask we won’t know the answers for until we’re part of the wider communion of saints—and maybe not even then. But the yearning for understanding, the desire for a deeper relationship with God, can be wonderfully enriching in our lives of faith.

O Lord, hear our prayer as we wonder about how your Spirit moves among us. You have given us minds and gifts of critical thinking. Stir us out of complacency and help us to ask wonderful questions in our lives of discipleship. Reveal to us again who you are and strengthen our relationships with you and with one another. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

Contributed by Pastor Becky
Monday September 26, 2011
Liturgical Year A Week 44
Sunday Gospel reading:
Lectionary 26 (Proper 21)
Fifth Sunday after Pentecost