What follows is part of a letter from Presiding Bishop Mark Hanson. It is an invitation to us as we reflect on the events of September 11, 2001 and our continuing life in community.
In the past ten years, ELCA members have served frequently with Muslim, Jewish, Christian and other religious partners in efforts to heal national wounds and address the rise of bias against Muslims. A Quran burned in Florida or Michigan is an attack against the very faith we confess if we do not speak out on behalf of our neighbors. Religion must not be used as a foil for human hate; we know that Muslims join us in our commitment to combat terrorism. As we seek to build trust through these relationships, we experience the truth that terrorism is not in the core of any religion, that sacred scriptures have deep relevance to communities today, and that God’s vision for our future will not be diminished by unchecked fear.
Fear of Muslims all too frequently shows up in our society as public suspicion of an entire religion. As a consequence, ethnic and religious stereotyping against Muslims spills into broad discrimination of Eastern Christians, Sikhs and others. Thoughtless acts against these groups also have an impact upon Christian communities, because they are contrary to God’s vision for our future together.
I encourage you to reach out to ecumenical partners, including Muslim and Jewish partners, in your communities . . . . I invite you to focus on increased awareness, healing of relationships and our future.
My prayer is that we dedicate ourselves to a common mission of reconciliation and restoration, focusing on the larger issues of peace, justice and interfaith encounter. Our local communities can be places of healing. Let us show the world that dialogue is possible and that there is room for voices that represent faith without rushing to judgment and closing off discussion. Thanks be to God that through our baptismal vocation we are freed in Christ to do God’s work with our hands.
Contributed by Tracie
Monday September 12, 2011
Liturgical Year A: Week 19
Liturgical Color: Green
Sunday Gospel reading:
Lectionary 24 (Proper 19)
Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost