Whether we believe it or not, each of us has been given unique talents by God. In the parable of the talents (Matthew 25:14–30), we hear that these gifts God gives us are to be used boldly and confidently.
For example, if we are good at speaking in public or making people feel welcome, we can use these talents to serve God. Like the servant in Matthew 25:18 who buried what the master entrusted to him, we may find ourselves hesitant to use our gifts because we are afraid. We doubt our abilities or are overly concerned with how others will receive and judge us. But this parable shows that fear is an affront to God's grace. I know firsthand that fear can keep us from experiencing God's joy and others from experiencing that joy through us. What I think is needed is a change of perspective on our part, shifting the focus from ourselves to God and the work God has gifted us to do.
The beauty of God's gifts is that the more we share them the more they multiply into blessings for others. We don't all get the same gifts. Some people are amazing musicians or athletes. Some are careful managers or really good at leading others. Some have a gift for conversation or drawing people into community. The point, as we see in the parable, is not to compare ourselves to others but to recognize that God has equipped all of us to do something useful. That line bears repeating: God has equipped ALL of us to do something useful…and beautiful for God's kingdom. Our task is to use what God has given us to spread the good news through healing for the sick and hurting, love and provision for the downtrodden, food for the hungry, peace where there is violence, community and hospitality where there is only loneliness and fear. All of our gifts are enough to make a difference in the world.
The amazing price Christ paid on our behalf has now been entrusted to our care. The greatest stewardship of all is the stewardship we practice with the message and mission we have been given to carry on the work and witness of Christ.
The parable of the talents is about our responsibility as followers. We have to be fruitful for the kingdom of God. We are given opportunity and responsibility, and there are very real consequences for our actions. There is the joy of fruitfulness and the judgment of unfruitfulness.
As good stewards we can deal with the responsibility we have to invest our resources (time, talent, and treasure) in a way that will honor God and build the kingdom. We must avoid the "third servant syndrome": "I’ve done my share." "Let someone else do it." "Joe’s got way more ability than I do." "My grandmother did more than enough for our family.”
The major lesson here is that there is great joy in developing and using our talents in lifelong partnership with the One who has created us. And the most wonderful thing of all is that the joy has just begun and that the joy will never end!
Heavenly Father, we thank you for giving us talents and resources. We ask your forgiveness when we fall short in using them to serve your kingdom. Please give us your wisdom and show us how to use what you have given us to your glory. Thank you for the privilege of serving you. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
Contributed by Chris
Monday November 14, 2011
Liturgical Year A: Week 51
Liturgical Color: Green
Sunday Gospel reading:
Lectionary 33 (Proper 28)
Twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost