
Then the prophet Miriam, Aaron’s sister, took a tambourine in her hand; and all the women went out after her with tambourines and with dancing. And Miriam sang to them: “Sing to the Lord, for he has triumphed gloriously; horse and rider he has thrown into the sea.”   Exodus 15:20-21

While I have to admit that I always perk up my ears at hearing scripture where women play a primary part, these verses of scripture particularly caught my attention as the Adult Forum has been studying the book of Exodus. More than being about the prophet Miriam, these verses describe the passionate and powerful proclamation of God’s activity among God’s people.
God’s people, the Israelites, have just come out of Egypt, crossed the sea on dry ground, and have seen their enemies and enslavers defeated. The natural response of the people is to praise God for the wonders they have witnessed. This contrasts sharply with two chapters prior, where the people are already afraid that God has abandoned them and where they cry out that their lives would have been better in Egypt.
The wilderness is a place we would rather not be. It’s not a cushy place and it surely isn’t comfortable.
In a culture where we are primarily privileged people, our lives may more closely align with those of the Egyptians than those of the enslaved Israelites. And yet, God, who liberates all people, calls us out into the wilderness. The wilderness that we are called into is the one with the poor, and imprisoned, and hungry, and orphaned, and immigrants.
The Israelites show their anxiety and stubbornness throughout the book of Exodus. We as the whole body of Christ, do the same today. Yet, despite our anxiety and stubbornness, God draws us as Walter Bruggemann describes in Prayers for a Privileged People, “into the newness of God’s future.” (XV). God calls us into service and accompaniment with God’s people in the wilderness.
Miriam’s song and dance is beautiful in its powerful joy. This is not a hesitant and wishy-washy whisper that God has done something real in the world. The song of Miriam is a bold song of praise to God. She announces to the people, inviting others to join in dancing and singing, praise to the God who brought them into the wilderness.

Liberating God, you know we would like to stay within our comfort zones, yet you call us into discomfort in the wilderness. Show us how, and where, and who you would have us serve. Amen.

Contributed by Pastor Becky
Sunday February 20, 2012
Liturgical Year A: Week 13
Liturgical Color: Green
Sunday Gospel reading:
Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany