December 5, 2011

[John the Baptizer] proclaimed, “The one who is more powerful than I is coming after me; I am not worthy to stoop down and untie the thong of his sandals. I have baptized you with water; but he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit” (Mark 1:7–8 nrsv).

A couple of weeks ago when I was at a continuing education event on the Advent texts for this year, we had time to reflect on how the congregations in which we serve celebrate the season of Advent. The season of Advent, the time of the church year when we await with hope for the coming of Jesus into the world, is a season that holds tensions together.

Jesus has come into the world, yet we wait to celebrate that he has come into the world. Jesus is already risen and his body is the church, yet we wait for Jesus to come again. This season is one of darkness and light, already and not yet, hearing about the past and waiting for the future.

In many of our homes we try to figure out a balance between shopping for Christmas gifts for family and friends, and spending devotional time with family around an Advent wreath. We prepare our homes and worship spaces with decorations and music. At its best, we enjoy preparing homes, and worship space, and our lives, for the celebration of Christ’s coming into the world. At its worst, we become overwhelmed by all of the traditions we have and the holiday preparations to make, or we struggle with making sense of our own legitimate feelings of grief or depression when the rest of our culture seems to be emphasizing being happy.

In this congregation we try to balance celebrating Christmas before the day (as in the annual Christmas dinner) with keeping watch during the season of Advent and waiting with expectant hope in our worship. We mark time with the lighting of the Advent wreath in worship and ask families to participate in that tradition together. Advent is the season where we actively wait for Christ. May you be filled with expectant hope this Advent season as we await the coming of Jesus Christ into the world.

Gracious God, we thank you for sending your son Jesus into the world and we wait with expectant hope for your coming into the world again. Guide your whole church as we live in this season of Advent and inspire our households, minds, and hearts as we prepare for the gift of your son in the world, in whose name we pray. Amen.

Contributed by Pastor Becky
Monday December 5, 2011
Liturgical Year B: Week 2
Liturgical Color: Blue
Sunday Gospel reading:
Second Sunday of Advent