
Jesus said, “I am with you always,
until the end of the world.”

(Matthew 28:20)

We were 1,248 miles from home. No family or friends were around. My husband was experiencing pressure on his chest and felt the need to check things out with medical personnel. Off we went, via taxi, to the emergency room of the nearest hospital. Upon examining him – over a period of several hours – the doctors decided he needed to remain over night at the hospital and have further testing the next day. He had never had heart problems but, still, both of us were praying hard that this was not a heart attack!
In the wee hours of the morning, when he continued to await a room assignment, we decided it was best for me to return to our rental condo. Hospital personnel called a taxi for me, as the buses were no longer running. As I stood outside the hospital in the dark waiting for the cab to arrive, I was afraid and began to feel so alone. Then, God spoke to me via the text and music of one of the anthems I sing with the Abiding Presence Church adult choir. I clearly heard music playing and these words being sung, “I will not leave you comfortless.” I was reminded that I was not alone. God was with me.
After getting into the cab, the friendly, young driver proceeded to use me as “mother confessor.” He told me that his parents had recently died and his wife had left him and moved his children to a state too far away for him to visit them. Part of his story included a confession that he had disappointed his parents, his wife, his children and God. He told me that God, like the humans, had left him and he was totally alone. I witnessed to him that God was there to comfort him, as God was present and comforting me that night. I hope my testimony helped. He was added to my prayer list that night.
My husband’s hospitalization turned out to last five, long days. Throughout this time, God continued to give me signs of His presence.
The week before my husband’s chest pains, I had a nice conversation with a Brazilian cleaning lady as we washed clothes in the laundry room. She saw me returning from the hospital one night looking downcast. She asked what was wrong. When I told her, she assured me that she would do anything she could to help me. She volunteered to clean the condo, cook meals, go for groceries, etc. Then she made sure that I understood she would do these things without any charge because she thought I needed a friend to help me. The services she offered were not needed, but her friendship was and I was so thankful for it.
While riding the elevator, other residents of the condo building would ask me how things were going and really listen as I poured out my woe. Strangers on the street would take the time to smile and say hello as I passed by. Even a homeless man who sat begging beside the drugstore would wish me a good day and tell me, “God bless you.” And, on another day, while walking to the bus stop, I passed by the local Jewish synagogue and read its name, Emmanuel – i.e., God with us. Yes, even the buildings were reminding me that God was with me. I truly felt His presence.
On the fifth day, my husband was released from the hospital with a clean bill of health. He had no heart problems, his veins and arteries were all completely clear and his blood readings were excellent. Our prayers were answered and I was so glad to have him back at the condo with me again.
The next Sunday at the church we attend in South Beach, one of the soloists sang the following:

When you walk through a storm hold your head up high,
And don’t be afraid of the dark.
At the end of the storm there’s a golden sky and the sweet silver song of the lark.
Walk on, through the wind; walk on, through the rain;
Though your dreams be tossed and blown.
Walk on, walk on, with hope in your heart and you’ll never walk alone,
You’ll never walk alone. You’ll never walk alone.
   R. Rodgers and O. Hammerstein, II

It seems God just couldn’t resist reminding me again that when troubles come he is always with me.

Lord, thank you for always being with me –
not just in times of trouble -- but at all times.

Contributed by Nancy
Sunday April 10, 2011
Liturgical Year A: Week 20
Liturgical Color: White
Sunday Gospel reading:
Fifth Sunday in Lent