"Just so, I tell you, there is joy in the presence of
the angels of God over one sinner who repents."
Luke 15:10
Where The Party Is
My devotion today comes at the same time I am attending my 1st cousin's reunion. My brother and I actually were instrumental in planning this event. I find it so profound how today's Gospel just fits into my thoughts about this family reunion.
On my father's side we have 22 cousins as my Dad had 7 brothers and sisters. All of the family lives in southern New Jersey (except my brother and me) so we don't get to see them very often. Only one of my Dad's siblings remains, the rest have passed on to eternal rest.
My Dad moved to central Jersey when he was young because his job was here and the commute became too much. My brother and I are the eldest of the group and I remember we always felt sort of sad that we missed out on growing up with our other cousins. But then as we were planning this reunion we heard many grumblings among our cousins that surprised us a bit. They are all wonderful people but the petty little things they were getting upset about just amazed us, so we began to think maybe it was a good thing that we didn't grow up among them as we tend to remain neutral in these things.
Anyway, we planned the reunion and it seems like it will go very well today, but it reminded me of how as cousins we have seen some fall away completely from the family because of arguments or just because they weren't interested. Recently we have some who have just returned and who in fact suggested this reunion. Those who were lost from the family just were never heard from for years. Now since we were able to contact everyone it seems that all are excited to get together and see each other again. It's going to be a wonderful celebration and party.
Then I read the Gospel message in "Sundays and Seasons". I discovered how Jesus is talking about how much God loves the lost among us, whether it's the "troublemaker" sheep who wanders away or that lost coin that is so easy to drop without a second thought. But what I found that touched me the most is the thought that Jesus is also telling a story about how much God loves the rest of us -- the other ninety-nine.
As the writer suggests "Most lost stories, whether ours or the ones we read in the news, end with the intense relief of finding or being found. But Jesus doesn't seem to think the story ends there." It's equally important that the lost are reunited with the whole group and to celebrate that.
Just as important as it is for my cousins to celebrate with those whom we have not seen or heard from, it is also important for those of us who have never left the family ties in the first place. As the writing states, "As long as some are missing or excluded we are diminished, whether we know it or not. If Jesus has gone off in search of those missing ones, then we had better go with him, because that's where the party is."
And that's where are party will be. Praising God for those who have returned to the family and celebrating our connection with each other and with God. God never ceases to amaze me. For as I read today's Gospel and thought of my family reunion, I could truly identify with all of Jesus' parables of the lost.
"Seeking, Searching, Scouring the hills,
Sweeping the house, Actively intent on finding.
And, upon finding, breaking out in unrestrained joy --
Joy that invites friends to a party,
Joy that rejoices over finding and rescuing.
The joy of a shepherd over his found sheep,
The joy of a housewife over a found coin,
The joy of a father over a wayward son, now returned home.
Searching diligently,
Rejoicing loudly and passionately,
That is what discipleship is and demands of us.
For we, too, have been found by God.
We, too, have been the focus of a search-and-rescue mission.
We, too, have been the honored guest at God's party.
We, too, have become the searchers and rescuers and partiers'."
Dear Father, sometimes we take you for granted. Sometimes we forget how you brought us to faith. Sometimes we forget to seek and search that is your nature. Sometimes we are too comfortable, too busy, too full of excuses to be like you. To put ourselves out to do what you are doing. Forgive us Lord. Renew and restore in us your passion for the lost. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen
painting shows reunion of Joseph and his brothers
title: Joseph pardons his Brothers
probably 1515, Francesco Bacchiacca
Contributed by Chris
Sunday September 12, 2010
Liturgical Year C Week 42
Sunday Gospel reading:
Lectionary 24 (Proper 19)
Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost