Let the peace of Christ keep you in tune with each other,
in step with each other. And sing, sing your hearts out to God!
(Colossians 3:15-16 The Message)
I experienced a "God-moment" around 7:15 p.m. on November 7 at Attleboro Retirement Village in Langhorne, Pennsylvania. It was the evening of All Saints Sunday. Every once in awhile, I receive an invitation from the residents there to preach the sermon for their Sunday evening worship service. I like to go there occasionally to visit with one of our dear members, Elizabeth Meyer, who has been a resident at Attleboro for over ten years.
After doing this several times, you realize the worshippers would be more inspired and enriched if you brought some friends along. So, this time around I arranged with the programmatic powers-that-be at Attleboro to invite our youth choir to join me in leading the worship service there. Well, after having already preached three times within twenty-four hours, I was grateful for my companions! Fourteen of our APLC youth under the leadership of Mary Trigg and accompaniment of Linda MacNamara carved out time from a precious and long teacher-convention weekend to sing God's praises. Their smiles radiated the auditorium. Their voices penetrated aging and lonely hearts. The peace of Christ kept them in tune with each other and drew the congregation into that same tune.
Brothers and sisters, music is wonderful. But music in outreaching mission testifies to the outreaching love of God that creates faith in the first place. All Saints festival in and of itself is a marvelous celebration. All Saints festival with a rare mix of young and old saints together for worship in the same room is a "God-moment."
Contributed by Pastor Dan
Sunday November 21, 2010
Liturgical Year C Week 52
Sunday Gospel reading:
Lectionary 34 (Proper 29)
Twenty-sixth Sunday after Pentecost