
The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death, a light has dawned.   Isaiah 9:2

The first time I visited the African continent was in December 1997. I was with a delegation of women to study post-apartheid South Africa. We visited with government and church officials, talked informally with women managing households and learned first-hand the impact that this evil, racist system had on everyone in the society. One of the most powerful experiences came as we were ending a visit in a remote and rural village and making our way to Port Elizabeth. The village we were leaving did not have electricity, had only recently received standing taps so that the villagers could get clean water without having to walk for miles and was dealing with issues related to deep poverty, alcoholism, AIDs and insufficient schooling for the children. While the hospitality was wonderful, the living conditions and the economic situations of the people who resided there were deplorable.
Driving away from this village at night fall, the darkness seemed extra dark. Reflecting on the realities that these people faced every day, our moods did nothing to lighten the situation around us. All of us in our van felt as if we had witnessed the "land of the shadow of death" and were certainly among those walking in great darkness.
As we were driving along the dark road, we came over the crest of a hill and saw before us an amazing sight. Up ahead was the town of Port Elizabeth - lighted and glowing in the midst of the darkness around us. It looked, indeed, to be a "great light" scattering the darkness. Seeing those bright lights helped to raise our spirits and renew our faith that even in the midst of what seems impossibly hard the light of Christ still shines.
Even now, many years later, I remember that drive and the sight of those lights as beacons of hope. When poverty, racism, war, hunger and evil seem to loom large, I am reminded that Christ's light is stronger still. My faith is rekindled and my call to work for justice is strengthened. Even now, seeing lights in windows, lights strung on trees and fences, and candles burning on the Advent wreath, I have hope.

Come, Lord Jesus. Come into our hearts,
into our lives, into our world.
Come, Lord Jesus. Amen.

Contributed by Tracie
Sunday December 12, 2010
Liturgical Year A Week 3
Sunday Gospel reading:
Third Sunday in Advent