
God is light and in him there is no darkness at all.
  (1 John 1:5b)

I love Easter when my world is warm, sunny, and full of new life. The birds awaken me with their praise for a new day, flowers peek out from the unraked beds, and sunshine streams through the stained glass windows as I settle myself for worship.

Christ is risen, Alleluia, Christ is risen indeed.

Guess what! Christ is just as risen, when I am awakened by the sound of wind driven raindrops on my roof, and I wade through muddy puddles to settle myself in a sanctuary illuminated only by the disappointment of electric floodlights.

Christ is risen, Alleluia, Christ is risen indeed.

In fact, this is the message of Easter. God is alive and with us. There is no darkness in our world because Christ died for our darkness and He brings light to our lives each day through his resurrection.

Imagine what our lives would be like if we embraced this promise and spent each day walking in the light of God, loving our neighbors, feeding the hungry, praying for our enemies. Then the music of God's people singing his praises would awaken us, the smiles of those we share life with would be our flowers, and the love of God warming our hearts would be the illumination for the entire world.

Christ is risen, Alleluia, Christ is risen indeed.

Contributed by Debra
Sunday April 18, 2010
Liturgical Year C Week 21
Sunday Gospel reading:
Third Sunday of Easter