But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's own people, in order that you may proclaim the mighty acts of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.
(1 Peter 1: 9 NRSV)
One of the most overlooked, underappreciated, and underdeveloped doctrines of the Christian faith is the priesthood of all believers. Basically, the doctrine reminds all of those baptized into Christ Jesus that we are priests. We are all called to share the gospel with one another and to live the gospel alongside each other. Such a basic calling and errand is not to be left up to the specially trained or to those with an ordination certificate hanging over their desks. The call to serve Christ in every aspect of our daily lives is for all of us, in all of us, and through all of us.
The Abiding Presence Running in Faith devotional ministry began precisely ten years ago in order to punctuate the doctrine and fact of the priesthood of all believers. We have been blessed by hundreds of devotional pieces intentionally aware of how the Sunday inspiration carries into daily life. Authors (mostly lay theologians in their own right) have taken us with them into their daily struggles and journeys. They have prodded us into the weightier matters of justice and peace in a struggling world. They have delighted us with good humor and holy awkward predicaments. They have carefully drawn us into deep questions of faith. They have joined elbows with us at the foot of the cross and at the entrance to the empty tomb. Basically, these faithful authors have proclaimed Christ to us and have been little Christ's to us in their own special ways.
Brothers and sisters, royal priesthood, God's own people, company of Christ, thank you for your witness. Thank you for your careful words and playful words. Bless you for your comforting words and challenging words. By the power of the Holy Spirit, keep on keeping us inspired with the digested words of scripture that get lived out in ordinary ways through your word and witness.
Let us pray. . .
O God, give us grace to set a good example to all among whom we live, to be just and true in all our dealings, to be strict and conscientious in the discharge of every duty; pure and temperate in all enjoyment, gracious and generous and courteous toward all; so that the mind of Jesus Christ may be formed in us and all may know that we are his disciples; in whose name we pray. Amen
(Evangelical Lutheran Worship, p. 82)
Contributed by Pastor Dan
Published Sunday November 29, 2009
Liturgical Year A Week 1
Sunday Gospel Readings:
First Sunday of Advent