
We are going to love - love and be loved.
First we were loved, now we love.
God loved us first.

1 John 4:19 The Message

Are you a cheerful giver? I bet you are. When seeing a need, I bet you are quick to try and meet it in some way. Natural disasters in our own country or across the globe cause us to reach for our wallets to donate money. A friend sidelined due to an illness or injury sees us bearing food and offers of rides for children (I know this firsthand!). Reports of food pantries being overwhelmed with hungry families have us buying extra in order to give groceries to the cause. It is our natural reaction as children of God - we want to give. We need to give of ourselves - time, money, energy, talents.

Now, how about the flip side of giving, receiving. Are you a good receiver? Probably not! It's hard. Receiving means we acknowledge that we are in need, that we are vulnerable, that we are not in charge. But receiving is also at the heart of who we are in Christ.

Central to our faith is the knowledge that we receive far more than we deserve. We receive the love and grace of God poured out to us. We can do nothing to earn this gift nor to repay it! It is given to us from the heart and hand of a gracious savior. And because of this great gift, we learn to receive other gifts. As blessed receivers, we can then go out and give to others.

Receiving and giving - what could be better than that?

You gift us with life anew every day, gracious God. Help us to use and share the gift of life in you so that we are ever grateful receivers and generous givers. Amen.

Contributed by Tracie
Sunday May 17, 2009
Liturgical Year B Week 25
Sunday Gospel Readings:
Sixth Sunday of Easter