Who among you fears the LORD
and obeys the voice of his servant,
who walks in darkness
and has no light,
yet trusts in the name of the Lord
and relies upon his God?
But all of you are kindlers of fire,
lighters of firebrands.
Walk in the flame of your fire,
and among the brands that you have kindled!
This is what you shall have from my hand:
you shall lie down in torment.
Isaiah 50:10-11 (NRSV)
This passage has stuck with me over the past few weeks with the news filled with reports of violence conducted for the sake of "righteousness". While the passage may appear straightforward, this is an illusion of translation, the order wrought by human hands and only superficially imposed upon the ambiguity and equivocation of the Hebrew. This ambiguity is striking, and hints at the potential ambivalence of the biblical witness and the supposedly unimpeachable moral clarity with which it provides us.
It is very difficult to understand exactly how these verses address us. Is the first verse a clarion-call for those who live righteously to separate themselves from those who do not: "All you who trust in God, stand up!"? Those lacking appropriate humility may read the verse this way, claiming that the next verse is addressed only to "all those of you (who are) kindlers of fire". However, the contrastive "But" is perhaps too strong: the particle here does hint at the surprise of the accusation, but does not necessarily contrast those who accused from those in the first group trusting in God. Moreover, the opening question may also tacitly and ironically ask each one of us to contemplate our own sin and complicity in the world's brokenness: i.e., "How many of you who think so highly of your piety are really all that trusting of God while you walk in times of great need? Look here, all you kindlers of fire!"
Fortunately, however, we have more than two-verse snippets of scripture at which we are left scratching our heads and looking for guidance. Looking beyond the chapter break, it is encouraging to find that, even though we are among those brandishing fire and kindling trouble, we may also still be counted among those who "pursue righteousness" and "seek the LORD" as well (51:1). Set down the firebrands, suggests the prophet implicitly, and instead take as your model of faith Abraham and Sarah, to whom God showed unfathomable loyalty and mercy upon their departure from Mesopotamia. Grace is encountered unexpectedly in God's call out of sin and iniquity in order to serve in faith and humility. We experience this grace not in sound bites or in conveniently memorized single biblical verses, nor is it to be found in the crucible of violence and provocation. Instead, it is met in humility and the self-eschewing desire to join in God's project of redeeming the world. This grace, in all its complexity, frustrates any attempts to read one or two verses at a time with an eye towards claiming unilateral moral authority.
Gracious and Holy God, I ask that you would strengthen me to do your service in a manner consistent with your will. Teach me to "do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly" with you.(Micah 6:8)
Contributed by Jeremy
Sunday June 21, 2009
Liturgical Year B Week 28
Sunday Gospel Readings:
Lectionary 12 (Proper 7)
Third Sunday after Pentecost