
If for this life only we have hoped in Christ,
we are of all people most to be pitied."

(1 Corinthians 15:19 NRSV)

Okay, so I admit I was one of those people this past week who at least watched excerpts from Michael Jackson's memorial service in Los Angeles. I could offer you a broad, cultural reflection on the whole thing. But pastors watch such events through unique eyes and ears. We use such occasions of observation as springboards for targeted reflections on Christian practices.

Observation of Michael Jackson's particular memorial service only piggybacks a constant reflection on the nature and purpose of funerals, especial Christian funerals. What is the place, purpose, and proclamation of the Christian funeral or memorial service? Let's begin with the place of the funeral. For committed Christians who have died in the Lord, the place for the funeral is the church-- narthex for receiving, sanctuary for liturgy, and fellowship hall for repast. This makes practical and economic sense. It also makes sense because it is familiar and filled with the stout symbols of the faith, including the living and witnessing Christian community itself!

Let's continue with the purpose of the funeral or memorial service. The purpose is three-fold based on the sacredness of time. The funeral is the occasion for God's people to remember the deceased's past earthly life and witness. It is also the occasion for present comfort for those who mourn. It also provides a message of future hope in God for both the deceased and those left behind.

Now, let's conclude with the proclamation of the funeral. Through Word and Sacrament, the Christian funeral communicates hope for present and future life rooted in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. With good pastoral leadership, a meaningful funeral service will avoid two extremes-- dry concentration on the Christian resurrection message apart from mention of the deceased or sole reflection on the life and goodness of the deceased devoid of gospel content. The funeral is a celebration of how God worked through and sometimes in spite of the deceased in this earthly journey. God is the subject. God is the potter, we are the "piece of work."

During this summer season, perhaps it is time for you to plan with your loved ones your own funeral or memorial service. It will be both an exercise in love and deep meaning. Such conversations can be more about meaning than morbidity.

Let us pray. . . God of hope, continue to fashion us into a people who both live and die well-- in your grace. Amen

Contributed by Pastor Dan
Sunday July 19, 2009
Liturgical Year B Week 34
Sunday Gospel Readings:
Lectionary 16 (Proper 11) Seventh Sunday after Pentecost