If only we had meat to eat! We remember the fish we used to eat in Egypt for nothing, the cucumbers, the melons, the leeks, the onions, and the garlic; but now our strength is dried up, and there is nothing at all but this manna to look at." (Numbers 11:4-6 NRSV)
God had set the Israelites free from slavery in Egypt. They were on their hopeful journey through the wilderness in the direction of the promised land. They run into a bit of hardship and challenge. They step into a dusty and dry place both physically and spiritually.
How do the children of Israel respond to this situation? They fondly remember how well they ate in Egypt back in the days when their diet had greater variety. And-- they selectively forget that they were slaves during that time!
The satanic foe loves to lure our hearts and minds back to "the good 'ole days." Perhaps your "good 'ole days" were the 1950's when life was simpler, gender roles were definite, and cosmic conflict was clear between the free world and the communist bloc. Perhaps your "good 'ole days" were the 1960's when liberties were advanced and old assumptions challenged. Perhaps your "good 'ole days" were the 1970's when art and music drew you away from the real world into a state of feel-good fantasy. Perhaps your "good 'ole days" were the 1980's when tax restraints were relaxed and businesses took off for awhile. Perhaps your "good 'ole days" were the 1990's and early 2000's when the stock market soared to 14,000 and real estate values doubled in some places within 7 years. Sociologists have labeled this selective longing for a past golden era with a term-- chronolatry. Idolatry of a particular and frozen time bloc in one's life.
What is the antidote for this chronolatry or worship of "the good 'ole days?" We discover the antidote in a petition of the Lord's Prayer: Give us this day our daily bread. Every day is a fresh opportunity to see God's gifts and work anew. Every day is a fresh opportunity for the frozen fixations of past eras to break through into hope for this new day. Every day offers another occasion to trust in the Lord who will provide all that we need, not necessarily what we want.
Let us pray. . . Lord God, make this day a "good new day." Provide what I need for this day. Make my historical recollections more accurate and my hope for the future stronger. Amen
Contributed by Pastor Dan
Sunday February 8, 2009
Liturgical Year B Week 11
Sunday Gospel Readings:
Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany