"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes?"    Matthew 6:25

Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

This scripture asks us: Is life not more than meat? I believe that we are asked this question to cause us to think about the importance of life and its meaning. The scriptures go on to remind us that our Heavenly Father is aware of even the sparrow that falls and that our confidence should be placed in God's hands.

As Christians, we realize that the meaning of life is to do the will of the Father. We are created on purpose and for a purpose and that purpose is to allow Jesus to rule in our lives. We are to be His instruments to not only grow in grace and knowledge, but to point others to Him. If one was to live to be 150 years old, but miss the purpose in which he was created, he would have lived but missed the meaning of life.

In Matthew 6:25 God is focusing our attention to life and away from what we eat, what we wear and the things of the natural, so that we may be focused on the things of the spiritual. I find in my own life that it is easy to allow the things of the natural to overshadow God's will in my life. This brings a question - do we understand the meaning of life and are we keeping the main thing the main thing?

Dear Heavenly Father: Thank you for watching over me. Because of your love I know I have nothing to fear or worry about. May I love others as you love me! I pray in Jesus name, Amen

Contributed by Richard
Sunday December 13, 2009
Liturgical Year A Week 2
Sunday Gospel Readings:
Second Sunday of Advent