Be still before the Lord,
and wait patiently for him ...
(Psalm 37:7a, NRSV)
I've added a new volume to my collection of books with unusual, intriguing titles. This one's called, Cat Psalms; its catchy sub-title is, "Prayers My Cats Have Taught Me."
The book is a welcome addition for two reasons. One, it's written by Herbert Brokering, one of the best creative writers I know. He has authored more than thirty books (Unto Us Is Born, Making Room for Christmas, etc.). He has written numerous hymns; they include the beloved, "Earth and All Stars!" (ELW, 731). Cat Psalms also delights me because in our house we fondly embrace "Morris," a male, orange-tabby cat. He came to us three years ago from an animal shelter in Trenton, and he's been teaching us much about independence, curiosity, affection, companionship, watchfulness and waiting.
In the "voice" of a cat, here is an excerpt from my latest discovery.
I can wait... I wait expecting somethng good - a tasty snack, dinner, a toy, a pat, a scratch under my neck, an open door... I wait with hope. I wait as a cat must wait and wait and wait. Waiting is more than begging. When I wait, I expect, I long for... (Cat Psalms. Herbert Brokering. p. 42)
Now, Advent is waiting. As a season of the church year, Advent is a time of waiting for the coming of the Lord. It's waiting with hope. It's waiting with expectation. It's waiting with patience. A a cat waits and waits and waits, for something good, something nourishing, something fulfilling, so we await the Lord's advent. We wait with hope, expectation and patience, because the Lord Jesus Christ brings the life-giving, saving grace of God.
So, let us pray with the human spirit breathing cat-like aspiration.
O God, we wait for you. Help us to wait watchfully for the Christmas-event of our Savior's birth. Help us to wait longingly for the nourishment of bread and wine. Help us to wait patiently for your coming again. Come, Lord Jesus. Amen.
Contributed by Dick
Sunday December 6, 2009
Liturgical Year A Week 2
Sunday Gospel Readings:
Second Sunday of Advent