
"You are witnesses of these things."
Luke 24:48

These words are spoken by the risen Christ to his disciples just before his ascension. They are near the end of the Gospel of Luke. We will read in the book of Acts how the disciples actually witnessed to all they had seen and heard and learned from Jesus.
"You are witnesses of these things is also spoken to us - disciples of Jesus Christ. We are witnesses of Jesus Christ. Our lives have been changed forever by the love and grace and mercy poured out to us each and every day. Our changed lives help to change the world when we boldly stand up to injustice, work for peace and care for others in Jesus' name.
As witnesses, it is our privilege to speak of what we see and hear and know of Jesus Christ. It is our calling to invite others into this relationship of love and forgiveness. By our actions and our words we bear witness to the life-saving power of God.
Now is a great time to invite a family member, co-worker, neighbor, classmate, or friend to join you in worship or to come to Sunday School or Bible study or to come for a meal at the MidWay. The old song asks, "Can I get a witness?" In Jesus' name, the answer is most definitely - yes!

Thank you gracious God for making me a witness to all that you have done in Jesus Christ. Help me to be bold in the ways that I show others your love and mercy. Give me strength to live out my calling as your disciple. Amen.

The photo, provided by Don Potts, is from the
2009 Youth Gathering in New Orleans, LA.

Contributed by Tracie
Sunday August 9, 2009
Liturgical Year B Week 37
Sunday Gospel Readings:
Lectionary 19 (Proper 14)
Tenth Sunday after Pentecost