He will again have compassion upon us... You will cast all our sins into the depths of the sea. (Micah 7:19)
Do you know the word Tashlich? Recently, we had the opportunity to observe this lovely ceremony along Gravesend Bay in Brooklyn, NY. Gathered along the water were many families, well over 100 people, with people coming and going. The men were wearing long black coats, big black hats, beards, but no side curls (pe'ot in Hebrew). The women were dressed in long skirts, primarily in black. Many small girls, dressed mostly in pink, followed their yarmulke-topped brothers along the walkway. Pieces of bread were being tossed into the water by everyone and people were reading from Hebrew prayer books.
One of the men explained that it was an ancient Jewish custom performed between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. The ritual of Tashlich is part of the Ten Days of Turning, the Ten Days of Awe between these two high holy days, and the word Tashlich means You will cast away. In this context, it refers to a custom dating from at least as early as the fourteenth century, but probably much earlier, based on the last verses of the Book of Michah (Micah). Symbolically, sins (in the form of the bread) are cast into the water and old shortcomings are left behind, thus starting a new year with a clean slate as part of the preparation for Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. Tashlich is preferably recited alongside a body of water containing fish, as a reminder that just as fish are protected by the water in which they live, they pray to be protected by God. Also, just as fish swim freely and can suddenly be caught in a net, so too humans can just as helplessly fall into the net of sin, Since fish have no eyelids, their eyes are constantly open. This symbolizes God's constant protective watch over the Jewish people.
After the bread throwing, people shake out their clothing. Of course, the mere shaking of the corners of garments will not shake off the sins, but it does remind people that they must give their heart a thorough cleaning and rid it of all evil. And indeed there is a feeling in their hearts after Tashlich as if leaving a heavy burden behind. It's a comforting feeling, and helps worshippers to carry out good resolutions for the New Year.
In addition to the last verses of Micah, and the prayers for Tashlich, many people read Psalms 33 and 130. Some of the people seemed to have more than one book. A touching sight was that of a quite elderly man with a young man who was obviously a Down syndrome person. The older gentleman was patiently saying the prayer (or ritual words) one word at a time for the young man to repeat. Brought tears to my eyes to see such gentle, loving patience. The families were all there together. One family had three little (stair-step) boys, all with bright red hair and blue velvet yarmulkes and a toddler girl with gorgeous bright red curls. I told the mother what a beautiful family she had and she gave me a radiant smile. It was altogether a wonderful chance experience.
Watching the families praying so earnestly and seeing the love expressed by the families, there was an overwhelming sense of a community of grace. How could anyone hate such gentle, peaceful, loving people?
May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable before You, Lord, my Strength and my Redeemer (End of Tashlich prayers)
There are several other explanations of the ritual and the method of observing the ceremony varies with location and availability of running water. Far too much information to discuss in the available space. Try googling Tashlich for some interesting reading.
Bay Parkway is the first east-going off-ramp on the Beltway after exiting the Verranzano Bridge. Standing on the hill in Fort Hamilton and looking over the Bay is a view of beauty to die for. As we walked around the shopping plaza, we saw so many colors, races, ethic groups and heard so many languages. This was truly a lovely afternoon.
With thanks to our friend Julia Berger, our consultant on all things Jewish.
Contributed by Rosemary
Sunday October 19, 2008
Liturgical Year A Week 47
Sunday Gospel reading:
Lectionary 29 (Proper 24)
Twentyth Sunday after Pentecost